I hope that I am not preaching to the converted but theres a free app
that every grey should have:
Go see it for your own good.
All first responders recommend it and it is so handy when talking to others about location.
You can tell anyone exactly where you are in 3 words anywhere on the planet and within
3 meters. So simple.
Had an experience a couple of months ago where we came across a distressed heart attack
victim and used the programme to call emergency services and instead of guessing where we were
gave them the 3 words and help was there in minitus.
You owe it to yourself!!!!
I hope that I am not preaching to the converted but theres a free app
that every grey should have:
Go see it for your own good.
All first responders recommend it and it is so handy when talking to others about location.
You can tell anyone exactly where you are in 3 words anywhere on the planet and within
3 meters. So simple.
Had an experience a couple of months ago where we came across a distressed heart attack
victim and used the programme to call emergency services and instead of guessing where we were
gave them the 3 words and help was there in minitus.
You owe it to yourself!!!!