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Post Info TOPIC: Government for the People Ha HA


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Posts: 1880
Government for the People Ha HA

You have to watch all level of government  espeially when there are hidden agendas and they bring the bill forward at some wee hour of the morning on the last sitting day .

NSW has now legislated that by 2010-11 ULP will be out and E10 will be in and that's the end of that .  and biodiesel will also be in.  Wonder which pollies own Cane Farms

I still don't know how they are going to overcome the separation factor of the ethanol and the petrol once you store it or leave it in the ground tanks for a period .  More thought need on this one  

Then we have the Federal government introducing a their third sex gender  "intersex"  and then also supporting the  Gay groups with a fourth option  "other"

If they are going to meet late into the morning then they need to close the bar until the end of the work  I'm sure they must have been pissed to let this through.

It once was "it could only happen in America"  and we here is OZ  were know as the lateral thinkers , NO More is that true


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mate if theres one thing that i have learnt is that the government is for business no1 and for itself no 2

with this ethanol blend are we going to end up like mexico and other countries that have tried to introduce this muck, I.E. massive food shortage simply because there is more money in fuel than food

little blue doesnt like the rubbish and neither do I!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Hi Wombat,

Nothing that happens in NSW these days would surprise me. Your mention of Bio-diesel is interesting - what happens to all the people (like me) with diesel vehicles where the vehicle warranty specifically forbids the use of bio-diesel. Is the NSW government going to re-imburse me or the vehicle dealer for the repair charges? My understanding is that, while bio-diesel is "environmentally friendly" the bio aspect contains solvents that will eat the fuel lines and fittings of a vehicle which is not specially designed to use it. A lot of the european diesels are already fitted for bio, but Japanese, Korean and the like are not.

Pardon my cynicism, but it looks like what passes for a government in NSW has gone off half-****ed again.



The Grey Roamer
Tip-toeing Through Paradise


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Posts: 1880

If the problem with older vehicles is so critical then we need to make this known to the pollies As with diesel vehicles their life expectancy is far grater than the average petrol version so the problem isn't going to go away by 2010 . Seeing Kev 07 is about to prop up the vehicle industry with our money yet again this could be part of the plot to increase vehicle sales and try to get some back. Good to see those CEO's of failing vehicle and general manufacturing companies will still get their multi million. bonuses despite the so called down turn

The problem with governments all over the world they can't get enough votes on their own so they need to form alliances with the greens and the christian do goers and any other fractional party to get a jumper . then comes pay back day and they sell us off.

An interesting paper came out the other day which had good factural scientific basis making it clear that while Kev is trying to make OZ become carbon neutral India is producing more green house gasses in one week than Australia does in a whole year and India is still in the industrial in the development stage, and that's only one of the many in our region .


Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times

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