hi all. i am putting together a submission to my local member of parliament. barbara stone state member for springwood. re- on the southside of the pacific highway at loganhome, there is a old dept of transport truck inspection site. its blocked off from the highway,with a long concrete barrier. the highway is three lanes,going past this site,so i cant see any objection,to any vehicle coming out of this site,and merging with the passing traffic. there is a service road beside the highway ( no houses ) with commercial business. this site is big enough for 20 caravans. so when i put in my submission in the next few days. could i count on any grey nomads to e-mail this lady,with support for my idea.
count me in, not from your area but plan on coming through there some day
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
just send me the email address, I will back you 100%, local pro action and not talk is what gets things done
start with the local council and then move to government departments through your local member, (tourism S.A. helped me a couple of times, I guess you would have a similar orginisation in banana bender country) try to explain the advantages to the council (most are business owners) when you see the dollar signs in their eyes then you know you have them
one other thing, if you are a member of the C.M.C.A, please send the administrator a short note about what your (and our) intentions are and see if they can arrange a dumpoint and perhaps a water tap as well
I have had a LITTLE bit of success in this area, but dont get your hopes up too high, I've been shot down more times than succesfull but the wins are very satisfying
bloody well done you!!!
-- Edited by dave06 on Thursday 2nd of July 2009 10:32:24 AM
Don't know the area, but like Ma & Guru will probably venture that way one day, be pleased to help out. Let's know the email contact details when you are ready.
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
We used to live in Bald Hills before we obtained a visa for WA. Just send the relevant Email address's and we will support you. One tip, most pollies always have an Email address that bypasses' their electoral officer(s). If you can find that one, you have an other mode of entry so to speak.
Are you planning on setting up a caravan park or proposing a free camp spot? Either way it sounds like a viable proposal, as long as access and traffic flow isn't affected and addressed in your proposal you should be on a winner. Pro-action is the best kind of action. Well done and all the best. Have faith in yourself. You'll have my support. Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
hi chris from what i could find out today. this piece of land belongs to the departement of main roads. about all i can hope for is a 6hr rest stop,no overnight camping. it has a fresh water tap. "but its a start". i have approached a mate in the local lions club to see if they would man a information centre with volunteers at the site the member of parliment listened to my proposal with interest. ( at least i didnt get the brush off )
Hi Ken.Just spoke to the Qld Govt.Seems that the site you have in mind has already been earmarked for a Anna Bligh mistakes and stuff up repository.Most likely find out that Shell or Caltex have their greedy eyes on it.Cheers.Ibbo.
Hi SmokeyD At the very bottom of the picture that you posted near G on the upper side of the road you can just make out the old exit that was used by main roads. Barb
Barb and Darryl Victoria Point Qld Taking it one day at a time.........