Judy goes crook at me for "pinching" tucker from the frig, like the left overs from dinners, love it cold , and love the choc coated snowballs
Am I the only male whoe raids the frig, when on the road the frig in the van is pretty big, but I can empty it fast enought of all the goodies, And I aint talking achohol
I am a goodies thief too. Anything extra that I can scrounge is better than when it was served up. hehehe.
I especially love the roasts...............have to keep picking bits off it until my hand is too sore (from all the slaps I get) Cold roast potatoes are a real delicacy.
Don't leave chocolate lying around either.
Could you perhaps blame someone else?? Even if nobody else is around??
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
Love last nights mashed potato cold on toast for brekky the next morning. With salt and black pepper of course. Ma
P.S. Guru hates it
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Definitely not AND I have the spinach all to myself as well. Love it with a little peanut butter chopped through it just before serving. Hey Gnome love the Ranger ours is just the ticket
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Probably a bit dumb here but what is a b & b unit?
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
So what's the punishment for pinching left overs? Is it your turn to cook next time? I would love to share my meals. I have a big cook up periodically, pack into meal-sized containers and freeze in my Waeco. Then I zap it. Lunch is my main meal of the day, and snack good stuff for tea. It's all low fat, high fibre, nourishing tucker of course. Then I add nuts and chocolate for dessert and treats. Sounds good, doesn't it? I try to be good, but I don't have any leftovers to pick at this way. Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I'm a 'hunter gatherer" as well, if I cook up a big roast meal then i dont feel like eating it, i will "pick" at it whilst cooking (most meals are barbies outside, webers or rottiserie cooked) but I will not not have a "full blown" meal with the others
I do the washing and packing up whether I empty the plate or not, in some cases i will put the food from the fridge onto another plate just so I can wash the plate that the original tucker was on
I'm a bit of a cleanliness freak, bordering on obssesive compulsive
I will however rip into the leftovers the next day (if there are any) but no admonishment from the dragon or the others, just the opposite in fact, during my illness i dropped nearly 25 kilos so I have all manner of interfering women trying to "force feed me"
Always taste better the next day anyway Dave. I cook my roasts the day before just so we can have that extra taste. Slice it into some gravy and reheat. Cook the vegies fresh though.
Think I will go have a look in the freezer. All this talk of leftovers etc is make my mouth water.
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Ohhh geez this sounds like Mick. He is always getting up in the middle of the night and raiding the fridge, especially for any left over desserts!!! The problem is he will finish them off and leave the empty or near empty plate in the fridge. Always going crook at him for it.
you see the problem lies in the fact that we as a species are not "designed" to simply sit down at "set" mealtimes, our bodies have evolved with the notion of "hungry" = eat, not oop's it's 12 o'clock better have some lunch
if we follow our biological clock then we only need ONE meal per day starting at 7 am and finishing at around 7 am the next day
we should be grazers, open fridge.......see food, ask brain if hungry, if answer = yes...... then eat,....... ask brain if full,............ if answer = no then eat more,........... ask if hungry then if answer = MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! cold roast,...................................................... what was the question again?????????
to take the plate out afterwards only throws another set of complex equations into the mix, that to be honest is just too much, for us mere males, it takes a far more complex and intelligent life form to take the plate out afterwards and not to interfere with the feeding cycle
so you see allowing you to take the plate out is actually admitting the dominant intelligence of the species, and should be seen as a compliment, hey fellers
time of day or night does not come in to the mix
-- Edited by dave06 on Tuesday 14th of July 2009 01:52:26 PM