I would like some imput into wheather once on the road have many of you sold up and just played it by ear or have you still a home somewhere in the great country. Just interested.
See you later Lynn
Still working on being able to do as we wish, not yet there.
Gday to you as well and may I welcome you to the forum, it is entirely your decision as to whether you sell up and go or keep the house and just take extended breaks or whether you just take short ones, nobody can make that decision for you, gotta be yours alone
try a few extended breaks of say 6 months or more (if you are able to) just to "check out the lifestyle", if after that period you dont really feel like "going home" then you have made "the decision" yourself
I have read your comments on the "suggested campsites" section and was just wondering if you have done any "free camping". there are a miriad of campsites that are either low cost or absolutely no cost, the trick is as to how does one find the tricky little buggers
may I suggest you invest in a damn fine book that I constantly endorse but have no ties to, it is of course the "camps australia" range of books, they are currently up to no 5, I use this all the time and have yet to arrive in an area that has not as yet been listed by this book
their website is here http://www.campsaustraliawide.com/ but the book can be purchased all over the place, the cost can be recouped in a couple of stays
also have a look on the web under "camping australia" and maybe have a look at some other publications
and of course there is always the "R.V. freindly towns" that welcome campers and of course their dollars
Hi Co Couple, We have just began our adventure and we still have got a home to go back to but at this stage we do not want to go back. Agree with Dave06 that it has got to be your decision and no one can do that for you. We had the house on the market but did not sell in the time frame so we got house sitters and are just going with the flow.We will see what happens. A lot of other people are on road and surviving and hope we can too,whatever you decide to do good luck with it and happy safe travels to you. Hotrodbus
Travellling with a van and living wherever you park is a great freedom. By the time I'm too old to do it I won't want a house anyway. I've lived in a van for more than 10 years. I like the lifestyle, the compact living and I don't need chattels. It's a very personal choice. You have to weigh up the pros and cons of not having real estate and furniture, or a shed to stow the other stuff. There's also the psychological attachment to your home and whether you can cut the umbilical cord. Only you can make up your mind about all these things. And if there are 2 of you, you both have to agree on what you want to do. It's a great life, checking out all the dots on the map and the places they hide from the rest of the world. When you get sick of one place you can hitch up and move on. Not to mention all the friends and new contacts you will make along the way. You can also work as you go if you want to top up the diesel?fuel fund. The options are limitless if you choose this lifestyle. Happy planning. Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I jumped in feet first, but admittedly I didn't own a house, but I sold off all my furniture, power tools, white goods, etc and made the full commitment to travel full-time. Again, I'm single, so I didn't have to consider anyone else. Seven months now and no regrets at all.
Yep I sold up lock stock and barrel, of all domestic STUFF when the house went bought the van and awaaaaaaaaaay never been more content Got a shack now with all mod cons here in the gemfields, and wander in the summer down there in the mountains absolutly bliss, found a 11 caret party colour ,and a 7 caret pale green with a blue tint, sapphire in the wash yesterday, just the beginning on the new hole i'm in whoopeeeeeeeee
.. Well, much like many out there, I've just sold this house and move out in about a weeks time where I'll be staying with one of my boys 'til the 'wheels' arrive .. For me its been a long time coming and just a matter of stepping out of this lazy 'comfort zone' that I had built up around myself. In the past I always found that my excursions were quite limited due to a need to always return to a base .. which, in my case was just an empty house. After much prompting and with the full support of my lads, I'll soon be able to truly enjoy the land of Oz .. Gotta catch up with all you guys 'n gals out there too.
Once the decision was made I have never looked back in reconsideration at all .. I'm just so anxious to get out there now!
If you're going to stress about it too much it will defeat the purpose. Friends of mine recently sold their houses and units to take up the nomadic lifestyle full time. My girlfriend started on her own in a camper van which is being replaced with a motorhome. When she first started she was worried about driving the "big" car, as opposed to her little Hyundai. She obviously got over that little hurdle. They all wondered what I was thinking living like this --- I told them is was contagious, and it is.
Wow! Mike and Judy you done good. What beautiful stones you've found. My Rubyvale sapphire is dark blue and has a slight green tinge but not quite a party colour. Such big gems too. I hope they cut and polish the way you want them to. Good for you.
Don't think about things too much, just do it! Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
We sold up in March and have been on the road ever since - travelling up the WA coast at the moment. We intend keeping up this lifestyle for as long as we love it and still have our health. Cannot for the life of me see why we would want to change this uncomplicated way of living for anything more stressful! As mentioned, it is a personal choice to sell up or keep a base and this way of life is not for everyone but there are many, many of us 'itinerates' travelling around. Good luck.
Sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover. 2012 23' E1000 Evernew'; 2008 Landcruiser GXL 200 Series Custom Boat Loader and 3.85m Tinnie