Gidday, When we hit the road in Jan 2010 we will have a passenger........"The Cat". I've had him (8 Years now) ever since he was a ferral kitten. I refuse to put him down just so we can travel.
Found a nifty play area for him on I thought it may be of interest to other cat ownesr who are on the road. I have no connection to the manufacturers.
I will be travveling with a sort of cat, ,at least she behaves like one,
She got away from Judy the other day and about half hour later came home with a quail, ,we were not amused So back on the long line for her, Gotta admit shes a bloody handful, but a really lovely dog as a companion,
I'm with "Sgntbilko" in that I'm not a "cat person" either, however I know many like "Wombat" whose lives are enhanced by their affection for their pet moggy.
Sadly cats are instinctively very good hunters and many cats find the Australian outback a great playground to hunt and kill native fauna.
I have no problem with cat owners who take their responsibilities seriously, particularly in regard to their cat's hunting instincts, and judging by the tenor of your post, "Wombat" I have no doubt you fall into this category.
We have travelled with two cats (we set out with three, but one died of old age) for five years without any problems ... except from parks that do not accept pets. One is a diabetic amd has two insulin jabs daily. The other had his gall bladder removed last year.
As Siamese, they happily live indoors and go for walks on a lead. They also have an outside netted catrun which they enjoy.
And know what? They DO NOT bark or pee up people's awnings or guy ropes! In fact, they are NO problem to others.
Dennis 25ft Boroma full van 4.2L TD Landcruiser
welcome to the forum dennis, its a pleasure to have you with us. ( dennis is the editor of caravanning news. the web site that i have been sending,all the photos,and info to. about our proposed rest area on the pacific highway. ) wombat i must apologise to you for highjacking your post. but its a bit of a feather in the cap of this forum, to have a bloke like dennis as a member.
wombat i can not under stand when people go on the road why they want to take animals with them. they are a continual pain. they restrict where you can and can't go, they are often a nuisance to other people and a big cost factor ie. food, vet bills and boarding fees if you want to go some where and the animal can't go. do your self a big and the animal and leave it home. we travelled for ten years with a blue heeler. we travel now with out a dog and we find it much easier. just my two bobs worth al
hi al. all the problems,that go with travelling with pets,are taken in there stride by true pet lovers. grey nomads are older people ,that do benifit by having a pet. margaret and i used to have a pet cat ( shadow ) he was the most inteligent and loving friend ( 14years and he got cancer,and we had to put him down one of the saddest days of my life ) we now have a male fox terrier ( mathew bourke ) he is 5 years old and has been around australia with us and loved it. i think more of this loving faithful dog,than i do of some of my unloving,money grubbing kids.
Whilst I do understand that pets with you when travelling, does restrict you to a degree, it depends on what you want to do in your travels.
My two mates go everywhere with me and the better half and personally, I wouldn't have it any other way. They are my dogs and great companions and ask for very little in return. Most places I cannot go with the dogs, I wouldn't go anyway, however, having said that, there are places that I have missed because of the dogs.
Still it is my choice to take my pets with me whilst travelling and I have had no problems whatsoever. I personally would not leave them with anyone, as I do not think that is fair on the people or the dogs, so that thought has never crossed my mind.
I have also found in my travels, no doubt as you have, that normally people with pets seem to be more friendly than those without. ( I am not generalising here, as I am not saying all)
Travelling with my pets is great and that is my choice, however others may disagree and so far I do not feel I have been restricted to any great degree. If I wish to eat out (very rarely) the dogs are quite happy in the back of the Patrol. Same if I wish to take in a site or two which do not accept animals, they remain in the back of the patrol. It all works out in the wash.
Dogs Bark and cats Meow,
It is also the owners that should be critisized for their dogs peeing on others Guy Ropes or awnings as it is not the fault of the animal but the owner for allowing it to happen in the 1st place. The dog should have been on a leash and if it was not, back to the owner we go again.
I cannot stand a dog that barks for the sake of barking. However, if it barks as a warning or to let you know someone is about and that is the end of it, I see nothing wrong in that. Once again, it all cames back to the owner of the dog.
Its the same as irresponsible owners permitting their animals to empty out when and where ever they please and do not pick up after. The number of arguments I have had with dog owners over this, I am unable to count. It really annoys me.
Once again, not the animals fault, but the owner.
As you may be able to judge, I am an advocate of pets travelling with their owners if so desired.
Anyways, this has strayed from being a novel and has turned into an epic, so I am backing out of here gracefully. Each to their own.
Happy camping
Someone said, "Cheer up, things could be worse." So I cheered up and things got worse.
well, I take the dragon wherever I go and she's a damn site worse than any cat or dog, take them or dont take them, your choice dont make it because someone howls you down for it
I'd rather stay next to people who have animals rather than kids, animal lovers are fantastic people, I should know I have the dragon and our two dogs, wouldnt be without any of them for quids
We have travelled with two cats (we set out with three, but one died of old age) for five years without any problems ... except from parks that do not accept pets. One is a diabetic amd has two insulin jabs daily. The other had his gall bladder removed last year.
As Siamese, they happily live indoors and go for walks on a lead. They also have an outside netted catrun which they enjoy.
And know what? They DO NOT bark or pee up people's awnings or guy ropes! In fact, they are NO problem to others.
Dennis 25ft Boroma full van 4.2L TD Landcruiser
Did I see you guys at Bermagui late last year? There was a couple with some Siamese in a large cage arrangement that clipped onto the side of the van. I like most animals except some of the arachnids and some of the scaly ones. Cats are great pets if not allowed to roam freely but then dogs are just as bad when they get together on the loose. Responsible pet ownership is what it is about I guess..... I'm with you there re not peeing on tent ropes etc I've had a few run ins with irresponsible dog owneres who allow their dogs to crap on the adjioning site (usually mine) so they don't have to clean up after their dogs.
Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive
KIA Sorento CRDi EX ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights...... have huge "Cajones" or else a wife that can't read??
I have a great mate who stays in various caravan parks........ loves dogs but hates dog owners that won't look after them. He would get the same thing Basil, with people letting their dogs poop on the block or road adjoining his campsite. He would wait till dark then scoop it up with a shovel and take it over and dump it on the offending persons caravan or cabin step. (if he could find out where they were staying)
I suggested he should knock on the door and then vamoose. Don't know if he ever did.
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!