There have been a few queries about crossing the Nullabor and the wind conditions. This thread is a good one showing general months/seasons for wind conditions etc, see;
prevailng winds during most of the year are west to east, visit the b.o.m. website and have a look at the last twelve months average, there will be other breezes but as a general rule of thumb west to east is prdominant
Talking about the Nulla breeze I was talking to a bloke that came over many years ago in a Combi van, he said the best econamy he had ever got out of the Combi was 22 miles the gallon, but coming across on one trip it hit 33 miles to the gallon said he rested his foot near the brake not the go pedal. We got a good tail wind for about 1/3 then nothing but rain rain and more rain for the rest sob sob missed the whales sob Dave