Does anyone have a solution to getting rid of "smelly water " coming from the tap in the motorhome. I have drained and flushed the 3 tanks to no avail ! Thanks,
Drain the tanks, refill with good water and a cupful of unscented bleach. Go for a drive to slosh it all about, leave overnight, then drain and rinse several times.
Put a locking cap on your water filler.
On most units it's at just about the right height for small boys to pee in.
Don't laugh; it happens.
Though not always such small boys.
Just tiny minds.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......
Carb soda with a dash of vinegar in the water already in the tank, rough road, drain, flush, refill. Do not fill the tank completely to do this. Try to use the human consumption hose when you fill. Leave the cap off the tank for a few hours to lose the chlorine if you use tap water. Away from any piddle exposure) If you have the luxury of clean rainwater tank water at home, lucky you. Carb soda and the vinegar will kill and remove any algae or bugs, and the associated smells in the tank. Make sure the tank is totally drained of everything. You will have to do another flush or two with fresh water to get rid of all residue before you refill.
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