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Post Info TOPIC: Olive Leaf Extract its great for......


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Olive Leaf Extract its great for......

Some years ago I came across Olive Leaf Extract and found that amongst other things, it gets rid of mouth ulcers. So much so that 2 friends who suffered with mouth ulcers for years got rid of them. I am not saying it was a long term fix it may be that they had to have a top up of OLE every now and then.

OLE also is good for bad breath, heals "Bite your tongue" and many other things. In Adelaide at Health Food Shops when on special it costs around $30 for 500ml.




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Yep Peter (and welcome), OLE has some good benefits and nice to hear of a proven one. My mate swears by it.

Its starting to appear more and more, so hopefully the price will start to come down.

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As an ex Queenslander who has lived in SA for around 40 years, unfortunately sleeply SA has let the benefits of Olives in the main slip thru their fingers to Qld. Early on our arrival in SA I noticed wild olive trees growing in the bush and people of Italian descent putting tarps under these roadside trees and hitting the trees to shake off the olives. The birds I understand assist in the spread of the wild olives.

From memory I think some councils consider olives like a feral weed, although in the last 5 years or so I have noticed a few small plantations of olives north of Adelaide. Unlike QLD where all the Olive leaf extract comes from, these very large plantings west of Brisbane just happened in the last tens years or so.




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Not only Queensland. We have many olive plantations on the Bellarine Peninsula in Victoria.  biggrin

 Lots available at weekend markets and farmer's markets. Great suggestion for the ulcers will give it a burl next time the mouth flares up. Do you drink it, dab it or gargle it?     confuse

Robyn & Ted  Livin' Dream


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When I have an mouth ulcer I have 1/2 a teaspoon after meals until its gone.

For the three years I have had a vetical crack in one of my back teeth, this causes infection and my face slightly sweels up and its painfull. To prevent the swelling/pain I have 1/2 teaspoon of OLE every night prior to going to bed. If I miss one or two nights its OK but by the third days the sweeliing/pain starts again.

Only found out about the crack a year ago, after my dentist carried out root canal treatment on the adjacent tooth, then the one next to the adjacent tooth and I still had the problem.

Am having the tooth out next week for two reasons.1 OLE has a sugar taste and long term will corode my teeth. 2. Believe that infections can help you get the big C. On a TV show last week it was claimed that 20% of cancers are caused by infection. Of course my dentists and specialist claim there is no way I can get Cancer from this tooth's infection. But its not their life/tooth.

Have in the past been reluctant to have the tooth out because there is every likehood that the adjacent tooth will fall out as well because of a weakened tooth base.

So OLE has been part of my daily life in Australia an on OS trips for the last 3 years.




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Welcome to Nomads Peter, and thanks for the great advice.
Yes about 20 years ago wild olive trees were declared pest plants, but in a paddock right next door they planted a grove of about 80 olive trees.
That was in Pt Lincoln, at Boston House.
I was wondering what the benefits of this extract were. Now I know.
I constantly have ulcers in my mouth from medication I think, so I might give it a go, with a small bottle to begin with. It's a bit exy in the pharmacies and health shops here in Cairns.
Look forward to seeing more of you on Nomads. Let me rephrase that. Nah - I'll just get into more trouble. Cheers


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Thanks Peter,

It sounds like it might be worth having a small bottle on tap.  Will pass the info on to my daughter who has been having a lot of trouble with a tooth, after numerous fillings they now want to do a root canal because it is still extremely sensitive. Will keep you informed.

Robyn & Ted  Livin' Dream


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we here in south Aussie have seen many cycles of olive grove plantation, Clare valley (home of the entrepreneur) has see sawed between olives and grapes for many years (as well as a few lama's or alpaccy's) grapes have won out simply because the bottom fell out of the olive market, now of course there is a glut of grapes

however I think a few are trying them again, wherever there is SEEN or THOUGHT to be some money to be made!


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Yes. Olive leaf extract is my favourite cure all and am never without it. Have used it for teeth prior to dental work, sore throats, at the first sign of a cold or infection and I am sure there are many other uses. Much about it on the internet and there is a publication about it I bought in a pharmacy, but have handed it on and wish I still had it. Know many people who swear by it.


Helen, towing a Coromal Pioneeer Compac with an X-Trail


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I have been down to the local Bi-Lo store and in a conversation with the manager he told me all about the OLE.He was suffering fromBlue Dog and had had a breakdown previously.The only medication that he is on now is OLE.He reckons that it has changed his life around.I think that I will give it a go.An aside to this is something my mother told me about the treatment that was given to me when I was very young and covered in Boils.The treatment was Olive Oil,taken oraly and applied.Treatment was 100%.Cheers.Ibbo.


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