Recently we had an overnight camp on the river bank a few klms out of Historic Sofala.A great free camp spoilt by idiots who make camp fires without much consideration for other people.Not the fires themselves but the sheer number of fireplaces.In an area say half a football pitch I counted no less than twenty odd piles of river stones and other rocks.There was almost no room to park amongst them.The denuded trees and saplings told another story.Well thats my whinge.Sofala is very old and well worth a visit,it really is a trip to the past.Cheers.Ibbo.
yep some folks hark back to their scout days where every fire had to be "contained" thereby needing stones by the truckload, unfortunately the scouts motto of "always be prepared" does not include "BRING THE BLOODY FIRWOOD" and leave the trees alone
And then there is always the drunken drongo who thinks that a disposable gas bottle would be a fun thing to chuck into the fire. Lots of fun until flaming bits and pieces start to land on top of your annex. I had an experience a couple of years ago in Boulia where I had to explain some of the finer points of camping edicate to some boofheads.
Another nasty is fireplaces that have just been covered over by dirt instead of using water first or spreading out until out. They can remain very hot for a long time and we had to evac a kid by chopper from Adels Grove one year after he stood on an old fire and his foot went down through the top layer of dirt to the coals beneath.
Hada cretin who did just that at aBBQ some years back.He stopped laughing when a bit of shrap hit his little girl.Cheers.Ibbo.............A grumpy old copper?Ian most of the cops that pulled me over were the salt of the earth.A job that I believe should be rewarded with a politician sized pension.I will never forget a time many years ago after a tragic truck crash North of Buladelah on the bends.A police Sergeant was craddling a twelve year old boy whose Dad was already deceased,this man was crying with saddness for the boy in his arms,the boy passed on.From that day onwards I always wave and acknowledge the cops I see on the Highways,sometimes I think that they must think that I am a smarty pants,far from the truth just my way of saying thanks to the officer from Buladelah all those tears ago.Yep I do mean tears and not years..........Thanks Ibbo.
Unfortunately, we're in the "No Campfire" season (October - March) here in WA. Pity, I love a campfire if for no other reason than to sit and gaze into the fire at night. I rarely cook on the fire, not even a billy, 'cos I hate having to either wash the gunk off the outside, or else find someway to store the filthy pot/billy. From an aesthetic perspective, there is nothing to beat a campfire, and as an ice-breaker it is superb. Just tell a couple of fellow travellers "You're welcome to share the campfire" and you have made a couple of instant friends.