hi all Just watching tv about this Copenhagen climate crap how we all have to reduce the a mount of carbon we put into the atmosphere. All the speakers basically saying the same thing, then one of the reporters makes comment a bout how many private jets are coming in with only 2 or 3 people on board then get into big limos,really how can you take this seriosly. The third world countries all there interested in is how much money they are going to get not really interested in the reduction of carbon. Australia has one of the biggest govt. delegations there so how much pollution has that created to get them there. DUD Rud the big mouth of climate change how much carbon has he put into the air over the last three years with all his globe trotting to see his Chinese mates bit of a laugh when you think a bout it. You might think what this has to do with caravanning well if Rud gets his way i think it will be the end for a lot of people the cost factor will be just to high to absorb, if you are on a fixed income like most grey nomads. I will get off my box now. Have a nice day while you can! al
I still say.pollute..you pay.....not pollute....ohhhhh poor you heres a few $billion to help you do more pollution...........and why waite to 2050 to do something........tell the polluters.you got 2 years to get your act together.....or your fined $millions a day....
I agree with you Smokey. Reduce pollutions and carbon emissions or pay big time. The "gas tax" would be a licence to print money. Telling industries they don't have to cut back pollution, but they do have to pay a hefty tax, which would be passed on to little peter public again. Boy, how come the Government gets it so wrong when we can see the logical solution? Maybe we should be the highly paid pollies and make the correct decisions.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Trouble is the poor people to pay an extra tax again, what choice do we have where or how our electricity comes into our homes when that electricity is produced by burning coal. Someone had the right idea about where we should all abandon modern technology and go back to living in caves and hey presto it's all fixed. It's all one big CON, when those fines that are going to be paid, will it go into the rich bastards pockets, dictators' pockets or spent on their own people, who is going to regulate on how that money would be spent. We will have to absorb those costs of the fines that companies will have to pay and the government is already talking subsidies to them. Ah hell, who's got a good well kept cave that they don't want.
THE Australian delegation to the Copenhagen climate change conference could number 114, official documents reveal.
That number dwarfs the 71-strong British delegation. Such is the size of the delegation, it includes a dedicated "baggage liaison officer".
The carbon footprint for 114 people travelling to Copenhagen and back business class amounts to 1817 tonnes of emissions -- the equivalent to the annual output of 2500 people in Malawi. The list appears to contradict assurances from Kevin Rudd's office last weekend that fewer than 50 federal officials would attend.
Nothing to laugh about. The fix is to stop rainforest timber felling. Plant more trees. Kick the greedy butts of timber exports and importers. Everyone only purchase timber from Plantation stocks. TREES.....consume Carbon Dioxide which is the 'so called' major ingredient to pollution and Global Warming. TREES .... release Oxygen, and us silly humans rely on this to survive. Every living thing on this earth is made up of a series of Atoms of Carbon. Trees.....promote evaporation, thus precipitation.(rain)
NO TREES.....No Oxgen No TREES.....No Consumption of Carbons No Trees.....No Precipitation
Copenhagen Crap is only a way of of the powerful nations taking control of the world..Same as the World Bank and the Fabian Society. Do some research and find out more of these greedy monopolised groups and you will eventually see the truth. They date back centuries.
I have yet to hear or read a Politician say any thing about the rape of Rainforests.
OK, stepping off the soap box...Thank you for tolerating my outburst.
Al Gore will be a multi-billionaire after all this, as well as having his fingers in the pie of carbon credit companies. There was even an article in how much of a hypocrite he is in espousing being green and his home uses up heaps of energy. Plus all that carbon being used up on private jets to get to the chin wag fest, not to mention all of the limos that Copenhagen has had to ship in to accommodate all these psuedo world savers.
I have a DVD that debunks every claim that AL (w*nker) Gore has ever made!!
The whole climate change deal is just a financial grab by the main money people of the world. The IMF. International Monetary Fund. ..........Run by the Rockefellers and the other 4 (don't come to mind) rich mongrels in the world.
The changes in the seasons at the moment are a part of natures cycles. Talk to any anthroplogist. We have been here before..........we will survive..........we will move on..........and we will come back to this again.
Just for information...............we have had TWICE as much CO2 in the atmosphere previously......as we have today. And there were no factories or machines or motor cars or power plants around then.
This all HYPE!!! with a capital B for Bullsh*t!!
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
Lets say that all the facts and figures put forward by Penny Wrong are right and can be substantiated with sound science, a doubtful proposition at best.
Fact , approx 80 % of the worlds carbon emissions occur naturally and will always been there regardless of what we have done or do in the future
The great land of OZ is reportedly responsible for 1.4 % of the remaining 20 % of the worlds pollution
A Reduction of that 1.4 % by say only 10 % now equals next to SFA.
Save the forest I hear people say , Fact, once a tree has reached maturity their value as a carbon absorber is next to useless and just sits there waiting to burn in a bush fire or fall and rot on the forest floor releasing the absorbed carbon. That's Life
Fact, 1 Ha of grass absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than the same 1 Ha under forest
No one has put a dollar value on Big Kev's carbon credits but there are a lot of people in the know that stand to make a tidy quid even if the Stock Exchange settles on 10 cents each
If we a fairdinkum then why are we scheduling ever increasing numbers of aircraft flights that depart Sydney International with more cabin crew than passengers not to mention those less than one hour domestic hops between centers that are serviced with 4 lane expressways or fast train services.
The facts are that the government does not want to upset the big end of town not while the little person doesn't exercise his or her voice on the matter
Heard today that the wine at the conference is coming from a SA source that claims to be carbon Neutral The method of getting there is via aircraft , Please explain
It was suggested by a colleague of mine that if we shoot all the cows in India that we could immediately reduce the worlds emissions by 35 % and feed all of India's starving hordes for 30 years
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times
Holy cow Wombat! What are you saying? When you put it in plain, simple English the ordinary person can understand it does sound like another token talk fest at the expense of the countries involved. They would have been more prudent to stay home and have a tele-conference call from home. If all the people, cattle and other animals are generating all this bad carbon, how much would have the dinasaurs generated? We've had ice ages, and other climate changes over the centuries, what's different about this one. I have always believed the climate goes in cycles - droughts, good years, years of floods, monsoonal activity, and around and around it goes.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.