Noticed an item in the Daily Telegraph wherein it states that Parramatta City Council has taken down it's "Seasons Greetings" banners and replaced them with "Merry Christmas".
Council believes the politically correct banners reflect "a secular view of Christmas" instead of the "traditional Australian view of Christmas".
About time someone thought about getting back to the basics of an 'AUSSIE' Christmas.
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Good decision Parramatta City Council....about time someone stood up to the PC mob.
I suspect that, apart from a few extremists, the non-Christian religious communities have not been the ones behind these moves to change our traditions but the Politically Correct with their ideological agendas.
While on this subject, be a little skeptical of some of the emails doing the rounds alleging such things as schools etc banning Santa Claus and nativity plays. I've checked some of these out and found them to be false.
somewhere on here I put up a reply regarding Christmas in Schools. Can't find where it is, but in essence: 9 granchildren, 8 still in school from year 2 to year 9. Asked them what they did for Christmas at school, like cards for Mum and Dad from the littler ones, all had the same answer, Not allowed to do that sort of thing because it might upset the kids who aren't Christians.
My sister in law is a Kindy/Year 1 teacher and she says the same things. Says the guidlines are very explicit.........No decorations in the classroom, no nativity scenes, no talk of Christian beliefs.
Taking things a bit far in my book
-- Edited by Ma on Monday 21st of December 2009 06:24:43 AM
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
I work in a preschool and we still have decorations and santa and a nativity scene and make presents for Mum , Dad or Grandparents depend ing on family circumstances. We read a variety of books including religious, traditional stories and Aussie versions. We provide an all round approach. The teachers talk to any families who may not celebrate Christmas at home and so far none have any problems with our approach and celebrations. Its all part of being Aussie isn't it, religious or not Christmas is a part of us.
-- Edited by Pam on Monday 21st of December 2009 08:29:33 AM
That is so very true Pam and I for one am really happy that these little pieces of Christmas are still around like they were when we were kids.
I still have all the little cards and things my kids made for me at preschool and big school and I treasure them very much.
All I was relating here was what I had been told by the kids and my SIL.
Certainly not my views. Maybe I should have put a disclaimer at the bottom.....
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
we have seasons greetings all over the place as well as merry chrissy and joy to the world, I really dont think it matters providing the season is celebrated in the intended spirit
I too have encountered a little bit of nonsense in our Kindy to which I and a few other "mum's" imediately put right by means of a petition and a "walkout" by all kiddies and a subsequent ban on all non muslim kiddies, this left three muslim kiddies to attend the kindy, of course not viable
funny how views change when the financial viability of the institution is at stake
because this particular kindy took it into their heads that muslims basically dont celebrate chrissy then it should not be advertised on premises
I had to point out that muslims indeed do have a celebration at this time of year it is called "Hallah" or something similar and that jesus is actually one of their higher deciples and as such is worthy of at least recognition
decorations have been returned to their rightfull place and the muslem kiddies enjoy them just the same as our own, they dont know the difference
I went to my Grandaughters kindy christmas concert last week and was told they don't have santa visit anymore as it is politically incorrect. As most of you know I am supervisor of a call centre. Last year I sent out an email on behalf of the cc wishing all departments a merry christmas and safe and happy holidays. I was called into the boss's office and told not to do it again as it offended some people in the organisation who do not celebrate christmas. My response to that was... well they may not celebrate it but they are certainly happy to have the public holidays off though. Learnt my lesson, no xmas greetings going out this year and our department is the only one with xmas decorations up. Bring back Political Incorrectness!!!!
I went to my Grandaughters kindy christmas concert last week and was told they don't have santa visit anymore as it is politically incorrect. As most of you know I am supervisor of a call centre. Last year I sent out an email on behalf of the cc wishing all departments a merry christmas and safe and happy holidays. I was called into the boss's office and told not to do it again as it offended some people in the organisation who do not celebrate christmas. My response to that was... well they may not celebrate it but they are certainly happy to have the public holidays off though. Learnt my lesson, no xmas greetings going out this year and our department is the only one with xmas decorations up. Bring back Political Incorrectness!!!!
Once again the minority spoil things for the majority. As Old Bullpit from Kingswood Country would say "Someone should blow up the political correctness police".
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
" the kingswood, you're not getting the kingswood"....."I've just finished rotating the arial"
righto you nostalgia buff's, (and I'm well and truly amongst it) one that I have forgot, the male aboriginal statue was "Neville", what was the female's name
I had this on my mind all night ( well it's such a small thing, as was pointed out to me by my adoring wife, that it can only hold one thought at a time)
and Ma!!............................... I Like your life, dont change it!............................ for anyone!
I like my life too, very much. There aren't too many people out there who can honestly say they are content with their lot.
Change my life????? NOT ON YOUR NELLY!!!!!
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)