I am a bowman, second and third class. With my recurve bow of 40 lbs draw i would expect if aiming for an apple from 50 yards and shooting six arrows at that target to on average have four lodge in the apple and the two others hit within 3 inches of its centre, on average that is. I am a current member of Archery Australia as well as a member of an archery club. I compete at club field, indoor and national titles. I am a holder of some club shooting records and many pin awards, i have a national ranking. I have not or ever will shoot at a native animal, in fact i have never taken aim at anything living at all.
So thats the preamble.
However if i went bush the bow would come with me and maybe for the first time a rabbit, fish, or feral pig might be tempting.
What would happen if i was seen walking around in the scrub with a bow, arrows and a quiver?
I knew some one would raise that one ...but i didnt expect it to be the first post. Are all ducks native? would it be legal to shoot one? Anyway you gotta luv a duck, little feathery cutie pies...im a duck fan ...i say NO to shooting a duck!UMmmmmm ....if someone put an apple on their head and ran around for a bit so that i could test my average on a moving target what would your advice to that volunteer be then JRH ?
No matter how hard it is raining, two pirates may never share an umbrella.
I knew some one would raise that one ...but i didnt expect it to be the first post. Are all ducks native? would it be legal to shoot one? Anyway you gotta luv a duck, little feathery cutie pies...im a duck fan ...i say NO to shooting a duck!UMmmmmm ....if someone put an apple on their head and ran around for a bit so that i could test my average on a moving target what would your advice to that volunteer be then JRH ?
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......
First of all you would need a licence,Bows are classified along with sling shots as firearms.Secondly I don't think that would really want to shoot anything in the animal kingdom,perhaps another human.Ducks are on the no no list poor little feathered quackers,apart from a certain Firefly chasing species..Leave your arrows in their quiver.As for being seen in the Bush armed with Bows and arrows there is a fair chance that ,a boomerang.NullaNulla,bloody big rock,spear,heading your way.Lol.To be serious for once,I have some mates who go pig shooting with only bows and arrows,no dogs,just stalking and hunting au naturale.A wild pig is very unpredictable and is likely to have a go at you,that makes pig hunting a bit more even than cornering them with dogs and then shooting them with a riffle or maybe a knife in the right place.Personally I have a dislike for killing anything,Cheers.Ibbo.Arrrrrrrrrrrrr Jim Lad,where be me Hook Lad.
Different states have different laws re bows etc. You can rock out the bush and obtain landholders permission to shoot up the feral animal stocks. This will not of course include gov land or parks. For my money you can destroy all the feral pigs, cats, dogs and rabbits you like. They make a hell of a mess in the bush.
Many years ago I had to pay for a Gov shooting license to shoot roos (for meat and pelts). Needed three landowners to give permission. If shooting at pigs you might want to take a back up firearm or at least have a buddy with you. Wounded razorbacks can get a bit peeved with a arrow sticking out of their butts.
I used to own a hunting 150lb Barnett wildcat crossbow, when I went chasing things I was never questioned, I was mainly after feral pigs and roos, I found rabbits too hard to hit and the arrows would bounce off the ground and get lost, mine were hunting arrows with the razor tip back then about $6 each
times have changed now and unless you are way out in the open with very few observers I think you would be questioned, the legalities of it I am not sure of but as Ibbo has stated it probably is ilegal
but I dont know, ask the coppers and then see a c.ocky about hunting on his land you must have written permission to do this
I knew some one would raise that one ...but i didnt expect it to be the first post. Are all ducks native? would it be legal to shoot one? Anyway you gotta luv a duck, little feathery cutie pies...im a duck fan ...i say NO to shooting a duck!UMmmmmm ....if someone put an apple on their head and ran around for a bit so that i could test my average on a moving target what would your advice to that volunteer be then JRH ?
Nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't shoot the Duck I get far too much fun out of him and he his such a good humoured being, he takes it all in his stride and never a fowl (foul) word from him. There should be a lot more like him I reckon.
Mind you if it were a certain pedantic, old ex electrician I would say lower the apple a few centimeters..............LOL
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
How do you shoot arrows when you bow?? Must be the strain of bending over.......and 40lb at that......OOoohhh....that could get messy..........smelly too?? I'm glad to see that it is not to be used at Ducks. We really are nice.....it's just people like JRH that bring out the worst in us.
Gees DaveO a 150lb cross bow.....?? That is a lot of P*ssed off bow isn't it. I would find out what made it cross and work back from there. Maybe a warning not to do it again...or if really serious.......contemplate therapy??
seonau..........if you quiver when walking in the bush then it is either because you are scared......in which case, get the hell out of there.......or you are cold........in which case put a jacket on. It isn't that hard to work out mate..... :) :) There could be a couple of medical condition causing you to bow and then quiver..........see your doctor ...soonish!!!
Daisy and Disco Duck
Adelaide South Australia
Gotta Think Outside the Square!
Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
If at First You Don't Succeed.......Redefine Success !!
Some pretty interesting replies thanks you. The rules are different in ever state when it comes to archery in the bush. I am a registered licensed shooter and as such can target any feral animal out there as long as those rules are respected and they most certainly i would be. The regulations are about cruelty and weapon power and permission on private land. Hunting is not something i would regarded as entertainment. For me it would be about food on the table only. Just the same to be seen wandering around with a bow and the reaction of strangers is equally an important issue.
Crossbows should be banned! Police are currently establishing a register of owners on the quiet, i know this from club requests from their department. So Dave if you still have it give it to a archery club for management. It must of been awhile ago cause arrows these days cost more like $60.00 each, the carbon type anyway.
If anyone is interested in having a go in a private and safe bush setting just off South rd. near Darlington in A delaide PM me.
No matter how hard it is raining, two pirates may never share an umbrella.
no I had it when in my teens and yes they were carbon fibre, I also owned a 22/250, .222, .303, .22 magnum, 2 shotguns and a .310 martini action, loading all my own ammo
I was a pro roo shooter on five properties around orroroo/morchard in the seventies, shooting for jesser meats, feral goats used to bring in a quid as well
Some years ago, mates of mine used to go to Arkaroola, hunting goats with bow n arrow. They had permission.
They would tell of goats hit, where the arrow stuck in but did not kill, or it passed right through. Eitherway, they would then attempt to track it and finish it. They were not after the carcass or anything, just the sport.
What a cruel way for anything to die, bleed to death, just in the name of sport.
The goats were feral and a problem, but I would have preferred a better method of control.
Cross bows are not illegal. To own one you must be a current member of a archery club. In all the years of being a member only once have i seen any member of my club fire a cross bow. They are not encouraged at all and from that one demonstration i can tell you why. A target arrow from my bow can at 40 yards pass though two sheets of old thick corrugated iron and continue on...OK i missed the target that time. heheh. The cross bow i saw fired passed completely through a target face then though two sheets of iron on the back of it and continued on. The Duck may be able to tell you more but i would think the bow i saw fired would travel completely though three animals, bone and all before it was stopped. Australia does not need cross bows! Archery is all about personal challenge, not unlike golf the aim is to improve on your last score. Its about deep inner concentration and the will to improve ones self.
twobob i agree with you. However with a good bow, the right arrow and all handled by a good archer with good judgement the goat is not going to run away.
I dont know why i am going on about this but one more point to consider. A archery with a recurve like mine could fire ten arrows in the time a cross bow fired one.
I am way off the main thrust of forum topics. I was interested in how others would react to seeing a nomad carry a bow in the bush and what trouble that might make. The answer i see is ....strictly private land use with permission.
Thank you all.
No matter how hard it is raining, two pirates may never share an umbrella.
Somebody might remember the details, but a man was arrested in Victoria recently, and I think the news report said something like "It was lucky the man wasnt shot by police as he was carrying a cross bow" Presumably they are prohibited weapons in Vic.