Was wondering since reading this forum for a while now if maybe there were some people who might think of sharing a house and Caravan with each owning their own tow vehicle.
We personally are not thinking of doing this but I notice some of the forum users only travel intermittently or a few months of the year.
I thought there may be a number of like minded travellers who for instance if two couples were so inclined to purchase one caravan between them they could share upkeep expenses eg rego, insurance and run a yearly calendar on their use of it so each would be travelling same months equally so as winter, summer would be shared equally over the years. If that is explained clearly enough.
During the time the couple are travelling in the van, the other couple would be staying in the shared house, looking after it.
For some this might be an answer to whether to sell the house or not. Also a person not travelling fulltime still has a van sitting there paying the rego & insurance on it and not using it. This way it is being utilised by both couples and at half the up front outlay cost for the van.
I feel I have roamed on & on and lost the plot here.
Does anyone understand what my concept is trying to explain? Cheers for now Dawn
At our "age-group", I feel that as our vehicles,vans and homes are very much the centre of our own comfort-zones and well-being, it would be a diffficult concept for most to adopt.
.. 'less of course, you would be sufficiently well-heeled financially to take such a chance .. Ones own dollar value will have a great bearing I should imagine ..
A good idea Dawn,and and an equally good answer from Jon.A bit of a curly one I guess.A little thing to consider would be the Smoker versus Non Smoker problem.Some do and some don't.No doubt you will have more replies to your post Dawn.Cheers.Ibbo.
It sounds interesting...but..........like ibbo said....theres all types of ppl out there.......some spit polish everything....keeping things like brand new.......others..well....you know the type........"put off till tomorrow....what you could do today" types....I feel........if I own it I'll look after it.......even if I cant use it 12 months of the year.......its still mine....maybe I'm selfish...........I'm sure others will help
yep!! it is of course share ownership, it's been around for a while and does work up to a point but as has been very well laid out previously it has it's pitfalls
you can do it with houseboats and vacation housing as well as entire holiday villas
but it's a great idea, I have a 5 x 10 tent on the boundary of the Simpson desert with a 12 foot bondwood caravan on blocks that I would be willing to share with someone who has an 18 foot gin palace in outer city suburban living! just be sure and feed my greyhounds and my roo dogs
I've met a couple who successfully did a "home-swap" with an English couple. ie they stayed in England in the other couple's house while the English people stayed in the Australian's house. They said it worked well. But I'm a bit too private for that.
Some people I know from Canberra did a houseswap with a Canadian Couple. They had a very nice home here and they went into a less than clean place over there.
When they got back to Oz, they found their house in a dreadful state, the kitchen had had a fire go through it and the lock on the door of the room where they stored their private and personal stuff had been broken and some family heirloom furniture pieces had been used and abused.
Not for me unless I know first hand what the people are like.
Shows you can't rely on these sites that offer to match you up with likeminded people.
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
I really only put the idea out there for thos who -unlike most of us cannot afford to do the Big Dream and retire and or travel at will or do not have the finances to do it! Not interested in dong it ourselves but since we have been talking to a number of people about our trip about to start some of them drooled and stated wish we could afford to do something like that! As I have seen from your posts we have to be skeptical- but for like minded or situated folks out there it may just be the answer? Who knows- just making suggestion for those who might be reading this forum and drooling and dreaming and wishing. Many puzzles, many solutions. Legal contracts might work well!
yeah i agree its a bit of a difficult one that one as i too am a spit and polish person dont know if anyone would look after our home like i do and also if anyone would look after a van like i do, be good if you knew the person realy well, but even then nobody realy knows.
wow im stunned to read the bit about the fire thru the kitchen how horrid those poor people they must have been so disheartened, i once worked for a school teacher couple they let there house to a english couple while they stayed in there home in england, they enjoyed it thoroughly but the english couple that stayed in there house in port mcq nsw didnt enjoy it all that much the husband was ok but the wife didnt like australia at all ?
To each his own i guess how could you not love this wondeful country of ours .??
With all the verbal boxing that goes on between us here (and most of us havent even met) How would two strangers agree enough on anything to share a caravan WOOHOOO
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
Brian the "verbal boxing" would not occur face to face, otherwise it would end in tears, the veil of the keyboard gives many an inflated power delusion!
mental note to self, Lance off list of possible future tenants for luxury 1 bedroom villa on edge of the simpson.