Thanks Dave, we are heading off to Toora in South Gippsland on Friday. A beaut little spot with great views to Wilson's Prom. You and everyone else have a great long weekend.
Rosemary and Terry08 Patrol, Galaxy Odyssey Pop top He who laughs last is late getting the joke!!
Is the Coorong still there? The last story I've heard showed it a shallow stinky hole with no fish. I hope it's been restored to it's former beauty, and that you have a great time.
Our Sing Australia group has a gig at a local nursing home on Tuesday.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Granny the surviving........the Lakes are shot........all this water from NSW wont help them....last time I saw Lake Alexandrina........the grass was 4ft high where the water once was...
Not a bad idea Ibbo. for those without an income, well reduced income. sue the local council for damages to skinned knees and elbows. Reason? Loss of sex life due to not being able to kneel or lean on said items!!!!!!!
Rosemary and Terry08 Patrol, Galaxy Odyssey Pop top He who laughs last is late getting the joke!!