Do you mean Braidwood to Batemans Bay then up the coast to Nowra? Its guite a drop down wiith a fair bit of braking and winding too. Also there's a ford at the Clyde river near Nelligan , don't know how the bus would go, ring police or Nat Parks for latest ...we've had big mobs of rain in coastal NSW and the Clyde could be uncrossable. It is stunning tall timber country coming off the highlands to the coast with cycads under the trees and Braidwood area is old goldrush country still panned by folks today. Beautifully kept old towns from the time too and a great cafe in Braidwood. Look at the googlearth maps at the dense forest on the slopes to the coast...Good Luck. Denise
I did the up track on that road with the van in the drizzle. It was low gear climb all the way up, with a little wheel slip on the damp road. I didn't lock the hubs and H4, but I made it. I was glad to get to the top. I reckon coming down would tax the gear box and the brakes, but if you paced yourself you'd be ok. It's a beautiful but steep drive, up or down, even in the misty rain.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
yes i have done that road regularly apart from what certain people say drizzle rain and steep hills mmm where r they the road is in the process of being tarred there still about 49kms i think still dirt and a lot of road works as to the steep hills there one off the new bridge and it not that hard and long most of the road is flat if you hit the road during work hours you have to wait and get escorted through the road works after hours you just drive through but be careful there machinery parked up the road used to be 100kms of dirt road now there only about 49 to go in saying that it not a bad road
My apologies, I referred to the wrong road ie The King's Highway. Sorry. I wouldn't even consider taking the road I finally worked out you were referring to with the van.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
C/G you have been so long luxuriating in the far North that have forgotten about the beautiful roads we have in NSW.They are modelled on ancient British goat tracks .How are you feeling now after your medical experiences with Consultant Ducky and myself?We have gained world wide fame with our radical procedure used in restoring your Ankle and left wrist.There has been a few raised eye brows as to why we would want to transplant your tonsils behind your kneecaps,I bet you don"t have sore throats anymore do you.Sorry it has been such along time since we were last in touch,but with weekend detention,community service orders etc.we have really been flat out.We are seriously thinking about starting a new Forum for Former Forum Friends of Former Forums .Also on our agenda is Mediation classes for Forum Moderators and other Despots.Cheers.Prof.Ibbo.&Consultant Ducky,and Nurse F/F.
Thanks for the replys, I have been down the Kings Hwy and never again will I do that,2nd gear and brakes on for 6klms. Seen the other way on the map I was not sure how much of it was dirt and how steep. Thanks for the info might try that way next time.