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Post Info TOPIC: for the photographer


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for the photographer

talking to a quack yesterday and she put me on to this, I think you will find it very useful.......... think it is as good as Photoshop and a lot more simpler to use and it's free

also check this out........ here you will find all sorts of goodies for your GPS, including low bridge positions Australia wide

Gotta go, nurse Gladys Emanuel is back!!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"

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Thanks Dave06 - will download as soon as I get home from work. great sites.
Hope the enima went well then...... It would have been better for you if nurse Gladys Emanuel had of used lube on the nozzle - but then, it only hurts for a few hours....... lol lol
have a great day. Biggles


I drive the only Prado in Australia with a talking tacho !!!!!!!

You know when your landing gear is up & locked, when it takes full power just to taxi to the terminal.........


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no Prob's Warwick, the G.P.S. waypoint thingy is a repeat, i think it was originally placed by Gary, but in the interests of our fellow nomads i like to see it as a regular, the photo processor I thought is a ripper, it does all the basics very well, I use Photoshop cs2 but it is very complex

I was very dissapointed that I missed the internal cleansing I did however have another rather "enlightening" experience involving a pretty nurse, a doctor and a rather fierce looking piece of equipment, a part of which gave me insight as to how our "gay" friends live

I must say I was not tempted further, this tortuous gargantuan paraphanaelia involved a rectal probe and a device that placed pressure on the two sides of my hip at the same time taking pictures, the result came back that it exudes and delivers extreme pain and you get the piccys to prove it, kinda like a holiday in Bali!

my floating bone chip was taken out under local and laproscopic surgery yesterday and today they are planning to glue up and staple the crack in my hip, so it's nothing but "fun, fun, fun down here

an exam on my heart valve produced a "slight" leakage that will have to be seen to "in the near future", yeah pigs might fly as well, when I'm out of here I'm gone like yesterdays lunch

the nurses are great but very hard to get out of my room, always taking their breaks in here and yakking and carrying on,

I've got reaquanted with telly and cant say I missed much, same old dribble and same news, murderers out on parole, one sent back to Singapore, child killers released and protected and now back in prison, Haiti still having problems, interest rates up, same old same old, I just shut it off and yak with the nurses and cleaners


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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Gee hospitals have changed over the years haven't they Dave. smile

Not long ago they wouldn't allow a mobile phone or a pager in the room and now they let you bring your laptop with you. Thats gotta make the day so much easier, especially if you rely on it for you work as you do mate.

Good to see things are progressing albeit a degree of pain, you will be running marathons in no time.

Glad they could get you through those things all in one visit, its usually spaced out so as to inconvenience you the most at times I think. winkwink


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.




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dave06 wrote:

no Prob's Warwick, the G.P.S. waypoint thingy is a repeat, i think it was originally placed by Gary, but in the interests of our fellow nomads i like to see it as a regular, the photo processor I thought is a ripper, it does all the basics very well, I use Photoshop cs2 but it is very complex

I was very dissapointed that I missed the internal cleansing I did however have another rather "enlightening" experience involving a pretty nurse, a doctor and a rather fierce looking piece of equipment, a part of which gave me insight as to how our "gay" friends live

I must say I was not tempted further, this tortuous gargantuan paraphanaelia involved a rectal probe and a device that placed pressure on the two sides of my hip at the same time taking pictures, the result came back that it exudes and delivers extreme pain and you get the piccys to prove it, kinda like a holiday in Bali!

my floating bone chip was taken out under local and laproscopic surgery yesterday and today they are planning to glue up and staple the crack in my hip, so it's nothing but "fun, fun, fun down here

an exam on my heart valve produced a "slight" leakage that will have to be seen to "in the near future", yeah pigs might fly as well, when I'm out of here I'm gone like yesterdays lunch

the nurses are great but very hard to get out of my room, always taking their breaks in here and yakking and carrying on,

I've got reaquanted with telly and cant say I missed much, same old dribble and same news, murderers out on parole, one sent back to Singapore, child killers released and protected and now back in prison, Haiti still having problems, interest rates up, same old same old, I just shut it off and yak with the nurses and cleaners

G'day Dave0,
Very pleased to hear you enjoyed your trip around Uranus pal.  LOLOLOLOLOL

Happy all went well and you are feeling better, them trout can be damned slippery hey.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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Hi Dave06 - hope your feeling fitter today.. missus wont let me watch the news - thinks it makes me a BIT angry.... Think I need a holiday.


I drive the only Prado in Australia with a talking tacho !!!!!!!

You know when your landing gear is up & locked, when it takes full power just to taxi to the terminal.........


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they still dont allow mobiles in here Fly, mine was going off like a philipino brothel on my first night in here so the powers that be arranged for a landline in my "private room" and the dragon brought her laptop in which has an onboard modem, so I'm online and phone contactable

I need the phone for my counselling which doesn't stop for any reason (except fishing), once this was explained that a missed call may mean death to someone then things were very quickly put in place, with the computer I can catch up with work so all is good

I have a roomy now, a downs syndrome feller who is finding the hospital thing very daunting and frightening, I found him wandering the hallway the other night and learnt the nurses were having trouble settling him, I am very conversant with handicapped Kiddies so I offered my assistance, I dont sleep at night and he wont so we combined and I look after him all night which works for him and me! he now sleeps pretty much through

I got to have Adam's needle first to show him that it doesn't hurt, and i dont like bloody needles but he takes his with no upheaval after he see's me take it

we got told off this morning by Gladys emanual for making too much noise, Adam was feeling real low so I blew up a heap of rubber gloves and had them flying all over the joint,

I've had a heap of visitors who also include Adam in the conversation which helps enormously

John what hurt the most was that I never got the bugger anyway! never mind I'm out of here tomorrow, come hell or high water

I had a thought last night, the amount of money that Paris is going to cost us next year I could buy a secondhand Toyota puddle jumper traytop and a heaslip camper and come out with change, might do that and go see cape York again next year!

Hey Biggles, how ya doin! mate, I hate the TV, in my room it comes as "standard" I turned it on for half an hour, because I couldnt move, but I just got so fed up with the yanky rubbish and the dribble that I turned it off and havent watched it since, the nurses bring there cuppas up here and sit and yak and tell me all the gossip so it's better than the news anyday,

I learnt a lot about our miss "chanteloy" that should be passed on to the government muckrakers, it would bring both sides down

-- Edited by dave06 on Thursday 4th of March 2010 09:07:10 AM


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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one other site that is useful for campers is .........


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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Firefly wrote:

Gee hospitals have changed over the years haven't they Dave. smile

Not long ago they wouldn't allow a mobile phone or a pager in the room and now they let you bring your laptop with you. Thats gotta make the day so much easier, especially if you rely on it for you work as you do mate.

Good to see things are progressing albeit a degree of pain, you will be running marathons in no time.

Glad they could get you through those things all in one visit, its usually spaced out so as to inconvenience you the most at times I think. winkwink

 Indeed fair Firefly thay have changed, I remember being in the Iswich infirmary for a triple bypass then a day later it was discovered that I needed to have a transplant as the bypass did not work so they organised that and then I had both knees replaced, up and adround 2 hours after the operation home 3 days later. They allowed me to take my phone into the theartre with instructions that if it rang the nurse would answer it as I was expecting a most important call  regarding a refund due on recycled softdrink cans. Of course one cannot allow ones career to be put on hold for such trivial of excuses. One has to press on regardless!



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It truly is amazing mate, the things they can do in the name of progress. wink


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Let me say Rumpole........You would have been so much better off if Professor Ibbo and myself had performed that operation for you. We have two waiting.!! We would have done the lot for you on a Saturday arvo and you would have been back in your bed in time for the Saturday Arvo Footy Match!!

What hospital you in DaveO.....I've been ringing around trying to find you so we (Smokey, Gary, Popeye and Me) can come and see you. I'm damned if I can find you. So where mate?? Be nice to meet up.

We figured if you can have ALL these other visitors in your room then you could at least spare a bit of time for your friends.



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DaveO.....I don't know how you do it?? How are you allowed to operate a 24hr counselling service in a hospital ward, using a mobile phone, with another patient in the room with you?? Does the other poor bugger get any sleep, with you on the phone saving souls all night?? Who do you know??

You have my admiration.!!



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no mobile, Ducky just a landline and it's not 24 I start at 10pm until 6am, the room is away from the general ward so all is quiet, Adam sleeps like a baby!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"


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No more Duck DaveO, he was given the flick. nono


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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well that explains the non answer to my P.M. to him,

as I said what a shame!


"LOOK BUSY,..............GOD'S WATCHING"

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