Gardening in the tropics What an unusual topic. Not for a gardener from southern states Who spent many years with spades.
Spades to shovel, dig and edge The lawns and plant beds. For this green thumbed landscaper Who planted whatever was favour.
Gardening in the tropics is cheating. Just add water and shoots are peeping From seeds and cuttings keen to grow. Flowers, shrubs, sweet potato and marrow.
Australian Kimberleys known for rugged facade Have a softer side between cattle yards. Nature springs to life with the first season rain Then beauty takes over the harsh terrain.
Gardening in the Kimberleys is cheating. Just add water and shoots are peeping Creating colourful gardens was my goal. I worked the soil with the love of my soul.
Gardening in red, sandy soil called Pindan Make it rewarding, and whenever I can I worked, weeded, pruned and planted To share the joy in my heart, I felt it.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Well done Chris. To keep my hand in I have a reasonable potted herb garden which is the envy of many a neighbour. This week will transplant it all to my daughters' garden and replant when I hit FNQ. Leaving Melb next Friday. YIPPEE!!
Helen, towing a Coromal Pioneeer Compac with an X-Trail
Hi Helen. If I knew I was going to be parked here for this long, almost 2 years now, I would have set one up, but it's too late now. Well, actually it's the perfect time to plant in the tropics, between now and mid May. I'm heading to SA when I leave Qld, so no herbs for this old girl. I hope to help my daughters with their gardens while I'm staying down there. I'm having dirt withdrawals. Family time for me for a while when I get all this medical stuff sorted. I need a break from doctors, pathology tests, medical imaging and the Qld health system.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.