Hello to all again, Its been a week or three since we last checked in. All going well , we are back at the gold coast with the kids again ,left the roper rv. on tuesday & arrived here on sunday avo, a few days here & back home to unload boat & camper trailer, cleanup & head off again in a couple of weeks.
All is well at this end & hope you are well also, will have a lot of back reading to catch up with what has been happening as we have not been on the nett for some time due to so much rain & humidity up north,didn,t want set up PC in those conditions while camping & travelling back.
It was good to expirence some of the wet season , the floods etc, the country is now so water logged that a shower floods the creeks again, as it was we had to wait to be able to get back out, but thats life.
We caught our quota of fish & had many fish dinners while there. Till next time be kind to each other.