thank you one and all for the welcoming into your forum, Now for my first question !!!
I am thinking of updating my tow vehicle soon and after searching the net I have found a softspot for the Mitubi****riton glx-r would have prefered the 3.5 petrol and put it on injected gas/ dual fuel, however the petrol model falls short on towing capacity [ 1800kgs ]
So my question is !! are there any nomads out there towing with the triton glx-r 2.5 diesel, and if so can they advise me of their opinion , fuel consumption, approx costs on servicing, and how they reckon it will handle a 17-18 foot van fully laiden wght around 2000 to 2200 kgs. reading various forums on vehicles, it appears to me that our vehicles are getting a little bit to high tech, and the slightest problem with diesel quality, ends up screwing up the computors, or injectors, resulting in expensive repairs, This is only what i read, i am not a diesel man ;yet !!; so would appreciate any input from all you learned people out there, as we all know a late model 4x4 cost a lot of money so one needs to get it as right as possible Thank you , I will look forward to any input. Regards Daryl
Triton with 2000 to 2200 kgs would be an excellent tow vehicle. 2.5 kept the large clutch and should provide good service. Make sure fit genuine tow bar which includes complete wiring kit. Towbar is excellent fitment and reasonable price. To date we have had no issues with common rail diesels in our fleet any brand. Would not hesitate to recommend the 3.2l or 2.5l Triton.