Hi all. some basic info. from our trip from North Richmond NSW to Perth WA via Broken Hill Albany, Margaret River, Kalgoorlie, many places in between and home. 38 days free or budget camping, 17 days in recognised caravan parks. 10650 klms travelled at an average of $100 per day. 55 in total. 99 Prado (petrol) towing a 16' coromal pop top. at approx 15-16 litres per 100k. I no longer keep a detailed list of where we spend, but costs include things like a plane flight around Ceduna, a day at Rottnest Island etc. (many bakery visits.)
Biggest regret this trip was only having 2 months when at least 3 was needed to see and enjoy everything. Will just have to do it again one day. Missed the whales and missed Mudgee by one day. bugga.
Met fellow grey nomads John and Irona (JRH) and Dianne (BUBS) and travelled for part of the trip with Jon (JONATHAN) thanks for your company and hope we catch up with you again.
There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.
While your trip seems to have been very successful, all you've succeeded to do for me was make my feet itch. Bugger! While I can't plan a departure date, I can plan. The flight around Ceduna sounds interesting. Who does that and where does it go, for how long? I spent 4 years in Ceduna and love the country, but not the wind and the cold. Keep us posted.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Hi Christine, Loved Ceduna as well.( yet to find anywhere in OZ that i don't like, except cities) would have liked to spend more time in that general area. The flight we took was $120 p.p for a 1/2 hour flight and took in all the local surrounds, for maybe a 100k or so. Pilot would take us anywhere provided it was within the time limit. Other flights ranged up to $500 p/p whale watching and lunch at the Nullabor r/house etc. Let us know if you going back there.
There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.
I'm heading back to SA next month for a short visit to spend my big birthday with family and friends in the Barossa. After I've had surgery to remove another trouble making body part, I'll be heading back to SA until after New Year. I'd better spend some time with my family after being away for all this time. But I'm not finished travelling. I want to head west again some time next year. Gee life is good. I'm still working on van maintenance in preparation for the long haul in short bursts.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.