G'day all, I have been reading through the forums as a newbie and realise that I have stumbled onto a wealth of information from a wealth of experienced travellers....My husband and I have always been avid campers first on motorbikes then in our home made Mitsubishi camper...we have now decided that the time is right to sell up and do the big trip. Although I have done a lot of travel around Australia in my younger years with my children, my husband has only done the trips in recent years and mostly in NSW. So I plan to show him what a wonderful country we have and what a wonderful life being on the road can be. I do however have one question for you all and that is can anyone give me an approximation of costs per week? I realise that each of us is different and spend our time doing different things, I suppose I am asking for average basic costs as in fuel, food etc. We plan to do mostly free camping as this our preference but will do the occassional van park for washing etc... We have yet to sell all but plan on leaving early to mid 2011. So as I am a bit of a plan freak I would like to get approximate budgets etc worked out. Sorry for my long rave and nice to meet you all. I hope we can all meet up along the road somewhere sometime in the near future.
we went around the top way, fuel was up to 299 ltr at the time, got to townsville and it was 99 cents. if you travel everyday, a tank full, stay 3ngts in a park, tucker, terry tour bits, scotch, free camp, where and tear, we budgeted and was not far off $1000 per week. thats why a lot of nomads hole up for awhile.
There is no perfect answer for this question, it all depends on the individual;
EG, If you want to stay in a fancy caravan park every night , buy lunch on the road, dine out at night,do all the tours etc etc,the distance you travell in a time factor. then it will cost you heaps.
On the other hand, if you do as many free camps as possible, do your own meals as you would at home [ that way there is no difference to what it cost you at home] ,find your own way around the tourist,s spots & not be lead by a guide you can save heaps, this will allow you to have those treats when when they arise.
This is the system we work on & has worked fine .We have just done 3mths trip@ 10,000kls & only paid for 1 weeks accomodation in a park , That was just waiting for flood waters to clear.
You are the only one that can determine the cost factor.this is just an example of on road cost, dont forget any personal expenses like medication etc etc.
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"
Thanks guys and gals for your replies... Eevery little bit of info is a help thats for sure... I actually recieved the copy of the Grey Nomads Guidebook I purchased today and found that very helpful and informative also... Thanks again