Hi all,a question to anyone that is on the road permanently.My wife and i will be doing so later this year.The house will be on the market very soon and i am wondering what the legal ramifications are when it comes to advising the authorities of your change of address. Eg when we have to renew our rego, liscence's etc. I am considering using my brother in laws address for forwarding mail etc but is that sufficient for the government departments.I have heard that if you have no fixed address and are travelling around the country you will have to re-register your vehicle in the state you are in,after 90 days.Any feed back is really appreciated.
I am just using my Sister's address in Melbourne, and my m/home, drivers license etc are all Vic. She forwards any mail on to the nearest post office to me when needed. I haven't spent any more than 3mths in any state though. Actually, I lie, I have been in WA for over 3 months! Uh-Oh! Don't know if I am breaking any rules!! Cheers, Dianne
Thanks Dianne.I am raising the question because on another website i read that there could be legal and/or insurance issues if you are not residing at the given address.
Hi,we use my daughter's address for all our mail and she forwards it on to us when needed. I pay our rego,mobile phone bills and drivers licence renewals online and our insurance comes out as a direct debit.
Hope to catch you on the road somewhere,sometime!!!!
Like Dunmowin, we use a mail forwarding service (Mail Away), and that postal address is fine with Centrelink and the Electoral Office (we are registered as itinerant voters, so still get to vote in Federal elections).
Other government departments have not yet come to grips with the rapidly growing nomadic population, so our van is still registered at my cousin's address in Queensland, the tug is registered at our son's address in WA ($400 cheaper than in SA!!), I now have a WA licence and John's is still in SA (our other son's address).
We were in WA for 12 months, but I had no idea that our insurance could be affected. It's certainly high time that Australia started behaving like one country, instead of a collection of colonies, and adopted national registration and licensing...and other things -- fat chance! ;)
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).