We are travelling to Adelaide and are wondering where is the best place to stay.We have pets and are looking for a caravan park that will cater for them. Is the Boliver caravan park a good park to stay at?
Depends just how close to the city you want to be, Ablett. We're camped at Strathalbyn, about 50 km or so south-east of the city -- pet-friendly, $25/night, $150/week, clean ablutions, very pleasant. Also very close to the southern Hills wineries -- Bleasdale, Bremerton, Lake View, etc. -- and not far from McLaren Vale; also handy to Fleurieu Peninsula, Victor Harbor, Goolwa, Cape Jervis, etc.
And there's another lovely caravan park at Milang, on the shores of Lake Alexandrina, which from memory is also pet friendly.
Good luck --
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).