G'day my nomadic friends and to ones i havent met yet
my head has been swimming with ideas for along time now ,
as most of you know my dad bought a motor home last year,
then we had a fight about his driving , etc and now he just wants to travel on
his own (87 this year, ) alot depends on him with his licence test in november
now if passes for another couple years , he's thinking of selling his house and just
living on the road full time, I was really frustrated at this ,
and kind of scared and so were the family but theres no telling dad other wise,
and i have alot of respect for him, especially after mum died with dementia etc
now , the past 3 years we've been helping each other out.. and i kind of now feel i should just let him do what he wants, as he's always saying to me , you do what you want and ill do what i want..
so im thinking now more and more of my slide on camper and ute , i know i thought of kombis an camper vans, great cars but i want a bit more for my set up
I think If he goes off on his own adventures why cant i do my own,
ill sell my house, get the set up i want exactly , put some money in an account for day to day and living and emergencies etc and invest the rest of the money from the house towards some land or something for later on
now for those that are selling or have sold the house, how do you feel now your on the road? ill have my dog and budgie for protection and friendship, just have to work out what to do with dog when i want to do some shopping etc.
do you worry about how your family feel, every one says live the dream, but dont want no nightmares if you know what i mean...
I mean if a 16 year old girl can sail the world on her own what have i got to worry with my dream???
Im feeling the way i do know as almost all of my friends have left town years ago,
and now if dad goes on his own way, and i know we'll keep contact and catch up on the road and may travel together.. who knows might work out...
i just have to wait till november to see what happens...
many thoughts racing in my mind
once again thanks for your time and stories and inspiration guys and advice
Only you know whats best for you. Take on board the great advice people on here give you as stated in the above posts. if you worry too much about what others think about your decisions then you will never do anything. You make your own choices and right or wrong its what you make it.
Hi Milo, you have stated many of my thoughts. My mother is 82 and it seems we have fairly similar situations. Maybe its time for a new "nomad"....instead of them (parents) being Grey Nomads they could be SILVER nomads. lol. Good luck.
Milo, our house goes to auction on Sunday.I was the sceptical one and was unsure of what we were doing but i am now looking forward to it.After all, it is only bricks and mortar.Its not as if we are leaving with nothing financially.We will invest the money while on the road or could even buy a rental property,time will tell.Once we find our little dream home somewhere we will settle down again
Milo, John & I sold our house and furniture, etc, two years ago to buy our rig -- it was the only way we could set it up. People ask 'what will you do if get sick/someone dies/can't drive or whatever; we take a fairly pragmatic view. If we can travel no more, we still have our house on wheels, we just throw out the anchor somewhere and get on with the rest of life. It may sound irresponsible to many, but it was our choice, and we have no regrets!
Cheers -
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).