Just experienced a nasty side affect to the travelling bug and one I had not really thought too much about until now.
I like a lot of us am on a couple of regular medications, one of which is Panadiene Forte, over the years of stable life with a stable GP I never worried about scripts because I just went & saw the GP and he gave me a script for a hundred with repeats which needs to be authorised by DVA & which gave me a good 3 month supply at a time.
Well that has now all come to a screaming halt, and I do mean screaming halt....While stuck here in $hitney I have run out of repeats for the Panadiene Forte, on attending the doctors yesterday I was informed that the doctors wont prescribe them without my previous medical history, I gave them the number etc for my old GP, to which I was informed that they won't call him, it's my problem.
After coming home and spending the night stressing I realised that I had my full GP history on a USB stick which my old GP recommended before I left Townsville, what a great idea, only if the Doctors were allowed to look at it on their PC's.
I attended the same surgery that told me no yesterday and got to see a doctor this evening, the doctor understood my plight and he gave me a script for 120 which will keep me going, he also told me that unless you have a hard copy of your medical history with the original doctors signature in ink and the surgery stamp on letterhead they are not allowed to prescribe large quantities (eg a month or more supply) of Pain meds such as Panadiene Forte, mersyndol, Mersyndol Forte etc..
Lesson learnt I have now rung my old GP and asked for the required documents, they will be with me everytime I visit a doctor or medical facility from this day forth.
Just another one of those things we don't consider...
Hoo Roo Happy Days Grumps
Leave only footprints - Take only photographs
Hi Grumpy, Just talk to your Doc. and tell him you'll be travelling. Ask about a Regulation 24 script for your meds. That allows you to get 6 months supply at a time.
Great post Grumpy highlights the need to have connection to a GP , we have friends on the road full time when they are back in town visit there GP , if ever they have trouble the GP is only to happy to help and have sent them scripts
Grumpy thats just what im going through now .. Idea!!! tell your GP to down load all your history on to a thumb drive and carry it around your neck , Im doing that this week , and can just give it to your next doc to veiw when needed...The thumb drive ive picked is a LACIE key and have engraved my rego and phone numbers on it with med.info.. They are a very robust type of memory stick.. and come with a lanyard.. Hope this gives you food for thought.. And why not its your info...
Land Rover Discovery Chipped TD5 Manual ,Air Springs, Anti Sway. T.C. Auto level. Van, Roadstar 21.6 Voyager 4000 all sola powered.
Apart from getting a Regulation 24 script, if you have a good relationship with your GP he will write you a script if you call him on the 'phone. That script can then be faxed directly to the chemist of your choice and filled. I have called my GP from overseas and recieved advise and antibiotic specifications.
Thank god I dont need scripts for anything as yet, but when we started the long trips I requested a written intro letter & a history of treatment from my chiro. It has been handy a few times, gives them a head start.
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"
I have the thumb drive /USB stick with my history on it, beware most doctors wont use them or arent allowed to use them in their machines due to the virus issues.
I have a very good Psych who just sends me the scripts for my sleepers and happy pills as required but I didnt realise i would have the issues I am having and hadn't seen the GP for 3 months, his practice rules are physical visit every 3 months ...
What is the Rule 24, have never heard of it before... is it a state based thing or a medicare/pbs general issue rule?
Hoo Roo Haooy Days Grumps
Leave only footprints - Take only photographs
Hi Grumpyone, we've been on the road for 4 years now and i didn't think we would have hassles getting scripts from doctors elsewhere, my GP told me that the best way to go is have the letter from her and signed and stamped etc, i am on a lot of medication and have had no dramas so far. The only problem we have found in some towns they are not taking new patients, not even when you only want a script southern W.A was the worst just had to go to the hospital and wait your turn,
I've often rung my GP to post a Prescription to me, even if I'm at home, as she's not close to where I live anymore. I've been seeing her for 20 odd years, and followed her when she moved to another surgery.
When I go tripping, she gives me scripts for Asthma meds and antibiotics in case I need them.
Centrelink have changed the rules again and consequently hubby need a doctor's certificate for the next 3 months.
We have made an appointment with a local clinic, the first available being 10 days wait.
Then we contacted our home GP's office with the name of the new doctor and the time of the appointment. They will arrange to fax up what is needed and be prepared for a phone call from the new doctor at the appointment time.
Hopefully it will all work out. We'll see next Friday. Fingers crossed.
Doctor needs to know your history to be helpful they can't do anything illegal thats why you need to have a good relationship with at lest one GP but when they know your background most are very helpful but remember they have to follow rules if they don't they are in big trouble so sometime they may have to say no