At the age of 60 I am currently on my first trip outside of Australia,my wife is from the philippines so after 12 years of marriage we have put the caravan aside and made the trip to see her family in the philippines I must say that after staying here for 2 months I feel a bit guilty complaining about Australia's health system,housing,government,etc.etc.(we all do it) I guess you have to come somewhere like this to realise how good we have it in Australia. Although I have enjoyed my holiday here ,and got to meet my wifes family ,I am so looking forward to coming home.
Too true ,Too True, saw a thingo on tv the other night about a lady that spent 25grand on saving her cat, well thats fine .. saw another bit about kids some place with real face problems that were a real problem poor little buggers. We need to take a real good look at how we wast money , on face, boobs , fat, ect .. When there is not realy a problem..We live in a good place, Aussie do help over seas, and its good, But.................? Like you say Gerty Dancer a reality check ....
Land Rover Discovery Chipped TD5 Manual ,Air Springs, Anti Sway. T.C. Auto level. Van, Roadstar 21.6 Voyager 4000 all sola powered.
Certainly does give you a reality check, how lucky we are here. Wouldn't want to get sick while overseas in any of those countries or have a mishap. Whereas we can travel around our wonderful country and know no matter which area we are in there will always be help close at hand. I have had hospital trips everywhere from Vic to Qld and no problems finding a doctor when needed.
We seemed to have developed into a nation of wingers who don't acknowledge how good we have got it here.
All is doom and gloom and it is all the politicians fault! BULL****!!!
We have a great country with a proud history. Our politicians (or those peple who are in power) are far better than those in so many other countries.
Sure we have made a few major mistakes along the way of our short history .. but we mostly acknowledge & try to correct them.
Winge if you like about health system delays or perceived in efficiencies. For my part I have paid for health insurance since Bill Hayden kicked off Medibank & MB Private and have received only excellent attention since day 1.
We live in a great country with great people of all persuasions & aught to focus on the good & not the not so good.
But I'd rather talk about the wonderful Caravanning & Camping community that we have.
I'm the beneficiary of a great public health system in Qld. I'm very grateful to the medical scientists who made it possible for me to be cured of several formerly chronic health issues. I'm healthier now than I was at 50. If you're on a waiting list, it is possible to get attention if your condition becomes more urgent. You just have to speak up and ask where you are on the list, and what will it take to get things going. Everyone is entitled to do this, and if you don't show an interest in your own circumstances, you will stay on the list until it comes to your turn, or they forget about you. In the mean time others have spoken up and expressed concern at their own health and have been treated. If you're not interested in your, why should they be? We are in a lucky country for so many reasons, and not a day passes when I don't remind myself and give thanks. There is no excuse for homelessness and poverty in this country. People choose to live that way.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.