today as i was bouncing along in the truck doing my job and thinking that i'd rather be on a beach somewhere,, (god i gotta stop thinking) anyhoo,, wouldn't it be kind of "neato" to have an annual get togeather for the people on this web site somewhere in australia once a year ( hence the annual you dummy), you know pick a time of year and a place,, not to remote for those who would find that a bit difficult, but somewhere interesting and just get togeater on a caravan park or something, i don't know i'm just "throwing it out there" what do we think of the idea folks ??
We actually did have a nomads meet up in Mudgee in May this year BB.
They came from Tassie, South Aust. Qld. NSW, Vic and ACT. There were about 26 of us. None of us had met before either, which was a bit scary at first, but we all got along like we had known each other for yonks.
It was a great week and lots of fun. Some long lasting friendships have been formed from that as well.
If someone wants to organise the next one.............go for it.
It's not that hard to do and is very exciting doing the planning.
Being held in Mudgee we had a winery tour and days where we did our own thing too.
Hey Dazren, what are you doing with a photo of our Sh1tty Sue, the one on the far right. Geez they are so affectionate.
Not meaning to hijack thread but they are the greatest
You are so right, Our Sh1tty Sue is my daughters dog but as we all live in thesame house we class her as ours and we wouldn't be without her for quids.
Sorry for the hijack.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
We actually did have a nomads meet up in Mudgee in May this year BB.
They came from Tassie, South Aust. Qld. NSW, Vic and ACT. There were about 26 of us. None of us had met before either, which was a bit scary at first, but we all got along like we had known each other for yonks.
It was a great week and lots of fun. Some long lasting friendships have been formed from that as well.
If someone wants to organise the next one.............go for it.
It's not that hard to do and is very exciting doing the planning.
Being held in Mudgee we had a winery tour and days where we did our own thing too.
Thoroughly recommend it.
oh sorry i didn't know,, see thats what i get for thinking,,, yeh may we were in far north queensland on honey moon...
No problems BB. OK all you Nomads out there, anyone want to take the batton and run with it. It's not hard to organise. Hey, if I did it anyone can. I can even give you some pointers via PM if you want to have a go.