My wife looks after the registration for the car and caravan, apparently I am not smart enough to walk in to the post office before the the due date and pay...................,well gues who forgot to walk in to the post office before the due date and pay. Unfortunatly the caravan is now unregistered.I went to pay it but its to late.(it was due in August) so I have to get safety certificate and a gas certificate,pay for new number plate plus any problems found during the inspection plus the rego. My darling wife has been quiet for a few days,but I recon by the end of the week this WILL be all my fault now just got to find someone to do the inspection that wont put me through the hoops.
One mistake and you have to tell Australia!! lol - I am sorry you have to go through all that hassle. As my hubby & Ieach take care of various things/bills, every year I purchase a cheap large numbered calendar and write on it all accounts/licences/regos due. There's room for lots of info on in including appointments , birthdays etc. It does help.
The calendar is a great idea - but my trouble is, losing total track of what day or date it is!!! As they say "time flies when you are having fun". I find putting reminders in the calendar on my mobile phone is terrific - always got it with me - and keeps reminding you until you acknowledge it -or on my laptop I have a "daily reminder" thingy comes up in emails when you check in. jules
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
It certainly is your fault, you silly uncomprehending male, why dont you start giving her gentle reminders and then see how you immediately become a nagging significant other? Done if you do done if you dont lololol. Good to see some one with guts enough to post here even if those guts will be her garters by midday today rotflmao
If there is such a thing as a tourist season.... why cant we shoot them?
I have used the little note pad from gadgets, place it on the corner of your desk top & add dates with a breif note, one page per month. This way you see it every time you are on the laptop.
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"