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Post Info TOPIC: Cairns

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I asked this question a few years ago whilst in Cairns and didn't get very satisfactory answers. perhaps the older and wiser might know.
Why is CAIRNS pronunced like CANS? A CAIRN is a pile of rocks to mark a grave etc and the ai is pronounced like the ai in air. See the link below and click the speaker icon beside 'Cairn'.
Perhaps it was someone's name and had been pronounced that way for centuries?



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I think thats a good question to send into Can We Help on the ABC TV show



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We always pronounce it like the "Pile of rocks", never heard anybody say "Cans" ... maybe its a locality thing. Theres lots of examples of different pronunciations around the country.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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I've always heard it pronounced as Cans and have wondered why, thought it must be an Aussie thing. Me being an ex Kiwi. I used to say Cairns (the pile of rocks) until i was told it is Cans !!!! Oh well....


The Happy Helper

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I think you will find it is just "strine" when it is pronounced CANS - you know like - "oright" -"howyagarn" - "melbin" - "bewdy"



"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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As "C end D" cim frim New Zullend meybi Cairns sounds lik Cans to thim wink


Merda tauris scientia vincit

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Just the good old Qld slang :)


Happy & Safe travelling



The Master

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Well, I'm a kiwi living in Vic and forever correcting people down here. They say Cans I say Cairns (air) They say I am saying it wrong.


Happy Wanderer    

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Happywanderer wrote:

Well, I'm a kiwi living in Vic and forever correcting people down here. They say Cans I say Cairns (air) They say I am saying it wrong.

Australia may be an English speaking country but a lot of the English spoken is a foreign language.LOL


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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The North Queenslanders call it Cairns, eh, they live there, eh, so eh, they should know, eh!

Victorians also call Newcastle "New cas (long a as in cat) tle"  We pronounced it "New cas (rhymes with car) tle"  Those of us who live in Newcastle should know.

PS: don't try to correct a Victorian, it's a lost cause! winkwinkwink

(ok Mexicans I'm only joking!)

-- Edited by jimricho on Friday 10th of December 2010 07:21:45 PM


Merda tauris scientia vincit



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jimricho wrote:

The North Queenslanders call it Cairns, eh, they live there, eh, so eh, they should know, eh!

Whatever the residents call it is good enough for me.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

The Master

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I think you might be right eh!! jumricho


Happy Wanderer    

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Happywanderer wrote:

I think you might be right eh!! jumricho



Merda tauris scientia vincit

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There appears to be conflicting ideas on this one too.
So, how do we get Sydney to sound like Seedney. And what about feesh and cheeps. Don't forget last chance.
It's all interesting though, where would we be without conflict.
I know some of us sound atrocious - generally those from the South Island, a different place. (Present company excluded of course.)
The home of English has some choice sounds too.



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I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.



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Over here in the West we have a town called C.o.c.k.burn but it is pronounced Coburn as in Coe burn.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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We have one called Waipukerau and it's pronounced the same way.
Yeah, there's ome funny pronunciations alright and Kiwis have most of them.


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I reckon curiosity keeps the brain cells ticking over.



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I'll throw in Mackay Qld. I've only ever heard it said as Mack-eye, but friends who come from there say it's Mack-ay. confused.gif

So now everytime I hear someone say Mack-eye I tell them the story. biggrin


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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In England Derby is Darby, but in WA dont dare call it anything but Derby


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"

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Ah yes -- Albany WA (short 'a'), Albury NSW (long 'a'); Malvern Vic (long 'a'), Malvern SA (short 'a'); and so on. As a professional freelance editor I often despair, though, about words like 'nuclear' (nu-clear), so often pronounced 'nucelar' (and many other examples), as well as about advertising-speak, where words are deliberately misspelt -- and we then wonder why our kids and young adults cannot speak clearly, or write or spell coherently, or believe that correct use of the language is unimportant...arrrggghhh!

OK -- off the soapbox! ;)



Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).

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Try the Maori language where 'wh' is pronounced 'f' in words like whare - pronounced 'forry' meaning house, Whakatane, Whakamarama etc - place names.
Then in the Samoan language, wherever there's a 'g'  in a word, an 'n' is placed in front of it, eg Palagi (European person) is pronounced Palangi, (Parlangee.)
Language is a confusing thing, even if you're raised with it, especially English.



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Gerty Dancer wrote:

In England Derby is Darby, but in WA dont dare call it anything but Derby

Is it true that in Derby (WA) at the annual races they have a race called the Derby Derby  pronounced Derby Darby?

Also In "English" English (ie "King's English") "clerk" is pronounced "clark".  In America it's pronounced clerk (rhymes with work).  In America a clark is a thing on the wall that goes tick tark!



Merda tauris scientia vincit


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C and D wrote:

Try the Maori language where 'wh' is pronounced 'f' in words like whare - pronounced 'forry' meaning house, Whakatane, Whakamarama etc - place names.
Then in the Samoan language, wherever there's a 'g'  in a word, an 'n' is placed in front of it, eg Palagi (European person) is pronounced Palangi, (Parlangee.)
Language is a confusing thing, even if you're raised with it, especially English.

Well I'll be whucked!  I never knew that!



Merda tauris scientia vincit

The Master

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jimricho. I knew that one eh !! Love your spelling, you can use that everytime now without getting asterisks.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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C and D, You have started something now !!


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




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I hope it's not as big as Wikileaks! I can't afford the legal dudes.


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I know you're older than me JimRicho, but there's always something new to learn, even from a whoreigner. Not much of one tho, only a few Ks across the sea.


The Master

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Move over here and lets all be whriends together.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open






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Hey C and D how is our small holding going at the moment? LOL

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
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