I've noticed that there seem to be quite a few travelling to the West or Back .. Thought I'd open a new Topic which may group interested comments together rather than 'hijack' another thread .. (which I almost did) ..
I'm at Haslam .. a small beachside hamlet with a $5.00 honesty box at its entrance which is about 80 k's south of Ceduna .. (SA) A little windy, but quite peaceful so likely to stay a few days at least .. after that, generally travelling westwards but under no schedule or timetable ..
what we need is someone to devise a google map of aus that we can pin our current location on then as we travel we can update our pin on the map if someone else is close by this would show up
thats precisely what I do through my Radio Club .. I'm able to upload my co-ordinates via my Radio to one of two radio receivers .. which in turn place my position onto a Google Map (website) for my close friends and Family to access to keep track of me.
Its good .. but has its drawbacks too. One is not always able to get the radio link to work, but satisfaction is better then 70% for me ..
Be nice to have a static, yet interactive spot where we could do what you suggest on this internet ..
We arive in werribee vic for a couple of days, then depart for the barrossa for a quick catch up as she is going away herself on the 4th of feb and then we need to be in Perth by the 10th of feb cheers blaze
Hey Wombat, the other half has a Mio GPS loaded with Hemma maps. When we do a trip and come home and load it onto google maps somehow or other, it shows you the entire course we have driven, even down to chucking a u turn. Its rather amazing stuff.
I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.
can somebody please go to Google Earth and type in Wombats Trip East and let me know what you can see or cannot see, please.
Just trying some things out
Geeze Wombat. It's been quite a while since I used Google Earth, and now I don't know how to. It used to be simple. Now Ican't even see where to type that in.
sorry we can't catch up with you as we leave the day you arrire here in perth. blaze wrote:
We arive in werribee vic for a couple of days, then depart for the barrossa for a quick catch up as she is going away herself on the 4th of feb and then we need to be in Perth by the 10th of feb cheers blaze
Hey Wombat, the other half has a Mio GPS loaded with Hemma maps. When we do a trip and come home and load it onto google maps somehow or other, it shows you the entire course we have driven, even down to chucking a u turn. Its rather amazing stuff.
Hi Firefly, yep, I have the Garmin 1490 and it also lays down a track to send to the GPS, Garmin also give you a mapping program so that you can plan your trip on your pooter and then upload it to the GPS. What we are trying to do is use Google so that any member here can log onto google goto one page and see where everybody is, also for Google to allow each member to log their own position daily or weekly. still working on it
Been trying to do the google thing but no luck so far, I want to be able to allow any members to access the page and input their position but it looks like it maybe cannot be done, will play some more.
I'm not sure if it can be done for use in the public domain .. We're able to do it as we do have other resources available to us .. Cindy might have some insight there with her experience in this programme. Alternatively, it may be possible that there is another public domain site that could be used as an extension for this purpose .. but that might not be in the best interests of this site ..
don't worry too much about it .. hehe ! .. then you won't be confused with us ..
.. It would be nice to have a Central location here where all members could enter their position (maybe GPS co-ordinates on Google Earth) .. which would allow others to see their wherabouts at any time .. .. each personal entry to update from the previous one made ..
OK I have given up, I was able to create a track of my own in Google Earth but not so that other members could then put their little pins on the same map to show where they were also, pent a few hours on this, don't like to give up but if anybody else knows how to do it please share.
I'll just go back to using my Garmin GPS
-- Edited by _wombat_ on Sunday 23rd of January 2011 04:35:12 PM