The most important modification you can make to your 4WD is a bullbar. Not only does it allow you to run a winch, lights and gives you a mounting place for your UHF aerial, most importantly it protects your vehicle and the people inside it against animal strikes.
Hidden under the disguise of pedestrian safety, a minority group wants bullbars banned, and what's worse is that the government agrees with them.
They want European regulations brought into Australia, and if these regulations (GTR9) are brought in, the aftermarket industry will not be able to make bullbars or even nudge bars comply. Bullbars will be banned. Commonsense (lacking in many government decisions lately) tells us that European regulations don't have any place in Australia and won't work. Our road conditions are very different. Animal strikes are a very common occurrence in Australia.
Their spin is that this will only affect new vehicles. However, we know this will eventually mean the ban of all bullbars.
4WD touring in Australia will end.
You are probably thinking adopting these regulations is so crazy and absurd that banning bullbars could never happen. Believe me, this is very real and is happening now. This will affect every 4WD owner.
Here's how you can stop this:
Send the letter below to voice your protest to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese. It will take under a minute and could potentially save 4WD touring in this country.
The government only listens to one thing, how many votes they stand to lose. With the 4WD community standing together on this, they stand to lose many votes. We need to make a difference, take action and let commonsense prevail.
We NEED your response and we need you to take action today.
Together we can stop this unAustralian nonsense.
We NEED your response and we need you to take action today.
Follow the link below and let the minister know that this is not a good idea
I reckon it's wan*#ers like Harold Scrubby of th pedestrian council . I emailed him once to ask all about "th Ped council" & how he got to b prez . He wrote back & asked me "who the hell are you" Allways got to be some "dogooder" I signed up Grumpy. Richo
And emotional responses will not win the day either.
A bull bar is not a pre-requisite to a winch or driving lights or an antennae. 4WD touring in Australia will NOT end. Europeans actually have deer and other large animals on the road regularly too.
Maybe some data on the relative safety of vehicles involved in animal strikes with and without bull bars would be a good idea instead of a petition that does not prove anything and will be signed by a tiny minority.
Sign the petition though. The RFDS can use the $1 promised.
Petitions are generally pretty useless when it comes to swaying government policy and I agree with P&M's view that that only useful purpose is the RFDS donation.
A representation by to the relevant Minister by an industry delegate(s) presenting a case based on facts, data, and logic is the way to go.