will call in here now and again, very little internet access while on the road, my way of having a rest from the internet and giving all of you a rest from me.
Have a great trip wombat and mrs wombat. I had it marked on the calender for the 10th. Not sure if I will get to Torquay at the same time as you as my dentist appointements have all been changed. Was supposed to be last week, now not till the week of 15th, 16th so my trips away have all been postponed for now. I will message you when and if I get down there.
Have a great trip wombat and mrs wombat. I had it marked on the calender for the 10th. Not sure if I will get to Torquay at the same time as you as my dentist appointements have all been changed. Was supposed to be last week, now not till the week of 15th, 16th so my trips away have all been postponed for now. I will message you when and if I get down there.
HW, thanks, would be good if we could meet in Torquay, change of plan we have to head straight to Melb, friend of ours is not well so Torquay will be later in our trip, will contact you when it will be nearer the time.
We just hope we do not get into any of the flood zones, don't mind rain but floods are another kettle of fish.
Will be waiting to hear from you wombat. Safe trip and enjoy. Maybe while you are away, Dero will work on the instructions you gave and get our pickies on here. Safe travels Cheers dellie