Hi everyone just thought I would let you know that the clocks go back tonight (that's for those that live in states where the clocks change) oh and don't forget you have to stay up til 2a.m. to make the change ha ha ha Helena.
There's an old joke (in reality, not all that funny) about a plane approaching Perth. The captain announces: "We are about to land in Perth. Pleae ensure that your seat is upright, your seatbelt is fastened and your watches are set back 20 years." (There's more than a grain of truth in this, but it's still a good place to live.) Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
And Granny's comment reminds me of why Queensland has never had daylight saving. It apparently goes back to the days of Joh Bjelke-Petersen's premiership. Joh believed that the Sun shone out of his arse and he wasn't going to get up early for anybody.
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
Try working shiftwork and then see how much you like daylight savings time. Might be OK for the golfing set but a PITA for shiftwork. So there that's my two bobs worth
Cheers Jeff
Ticking off the bucket list before we kick it!
200 TTD with Evernew 22'6" and 40+ years in the oil & gas industry, now retired. CMCA Member.
Try working shiftwork and then see how much you like daylight savings time. Might be OK for the golfing set but a PITA for shiftwork. So there that's my two bobs worth
worked 3 shift roster for a number of years with daylight saving and only found it to be a good thing
For all the daylight we've allegedly saved since the inception of this bizarre concept, the cows still live their lives, and subsequently their farmer's lives by the sun, not the clock. The curtains will fade whether we save daylight or not. If they had daylight saving in WA, and they did on trial for 3 years, the kids up north would be doing to school in the dark, as they start school at 0815hrs or similar, and then they go home in the heat of the day. The only people who are believed to benefit are the city and metro residents who want to go to the beach for an extra hour of sunshine in the evening. To much of the country it's nothing but a nuisance.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.