These are Myrtles stickers, some you have seen, some are new and the Happy Wanderer one yet to put up, probably above the front windscreen. Got the turtle and Happy Wanderer stickers from CafePress which is an american company. Very reasonable prices.
The southern cross I have put on the right hand side above the petrol tank but a bit more to the right. In the space where there would normally be a window.
Maybe the sun was on the stars at the time as the bottom one looks a bit purple on mine too.
S in L. has made a bracket for the inverter which we hope he will have time to fit next weekend.
We've had a bit of a hiccup with daughter's pregnancy which has taken priority for now. Working in childcare and nearly 20 weeks pregnant with 1st baby, she has been in contact with diagnosed cases of slapcheek which is otherwise known as human parvovirus. Was sent home from work beginning of last week, and had blood tests which have proved positive. She is now waiting for an appointment to see specialist at feotal?? diagnostic centre in Melbourne. We are hoping all will be ok. She also has a negative blood type which can cause problems in pregnancy. Two totally unrelated worries.
I spent the day giving Myrtle a polish which has made her look 10 years younger in 2 hours. Also repacked all the cupboards and found more suitable places for things.
There really is not much cupboard space in a Hi Ace. The wheel arches get in the way. The water pipes and gas pipes get in the way in the other cupboards. The fridge takes up one whole cupboard. The space under the bed/seat takes up all the tables, chairs and outdoor bits. I'm thinking of taking my 4 drawer plastic set, what do you call them. It can sit in the aisle at the back and take a whole lot of stuff packed in there. Held secure with occy straps of course.
You don't need much cupboard space before you decide that it could be packed differently. 2 cupboards - 2 ways of packing. 3 cupboards - 4 ways. 4 cupboards ........
Before you head off north on your adventure you really need to do a couple of say two day trips near home. As you intend to free camp you should head for say Christies Beach Echuca and/or even Aysons reserve near Elmore.
This will sort your packing/equipment out without you being too far from home should something not work as planned.
Sheba, yes the same size. Bought it for the combo originally, now in the bathroom but can see a use for it in Myrtle.
Daughter waiting to hear from Melbourne, she rang yesterday, they had received info from her doctor, the specialist needs to go over it then will give her a date. Its the feotal diagnostic centre she has to go to, I think she said Monash Womens Hosp or similiar.
Hi HW, Mrytle is looking good, I have the same problem - where to put everything!! put things in, get hints from here don't really need that etc.. all great fun though, heading off for a break over Easter up to Mt Surprise, O'briens Creek and Undara just hope it stops raining by then, but at least I will get away and hopefully get an idea if I'm happy with where I have put everything. Hope all is well with your daughter, take care
Geez HW, hope all stays well with your daughter... after that discussion of childcare, then she catches something from one of the children, its just the pits!!!