Don't mean to be doom and gloom, but please take care if 4 legged Kids are on the loose when driving in to property. My sister lost Jedda on Monday.[ I just found out.]
She's staying with friends 'til her next House-sit, and Jedda was accidently run over. The guy was driving in very slowly, and apparently she ducked in front of the front wheels.
Oh no Sheba, that is such sad news. Jedda was beautiful. I have those photos saved. I keep Punky on a leash everywhere we go, really to get her comfortable with how things will be when we are travelling. She is so energetic, darting everywhere I couldn't trust her to be loose.
Thanks guys. She wasn't mine, but she was a Cutie, and when they were here last time, she knew Devil was gone. Didn't want to stay in the house, and shivered the whole time she was in it. Donna had to leave her in the M'home most of the time. They were only here overnight.
It's always sad to lose pets, our best friends. I was house and dog sitting at a rural block near Broome, and the border collie was a bit out of control, always running in front of my car when I opened the gate up the driveway. One afternoon as I drove in I was wondering where this mad dog was because she wasn't chasing me up the drive. I found her cold and stiff at the back of the house. I had to phone the owners holidaying in Darwin. They put it down to snake bite as they'd lost a dog like that before. I took it worse than they did. Bloody animals! We love 'em, then we lose 'em.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
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