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Post Info TOPIC: household carbon calculator


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household carbon calculator

Just out of curoisity, I went online and calculated my household carbon footprint, and found that I was greener than I 3.4 tons a year is about a quarter of the average house , 14 tons,which made me quite happy. I have solar panels on the roof and a solar hot water system(which wasn,t good during our enormous wet), and have the air con on low tariff.The solar power is sold back to Ergon at 44c a kw, and the power I use I buy at 19.3c, and 11c for low tariff. My last 2 bills were $69 and$32.I used to have $270 bills as average, so its quite a drop.This includes $27 for ambulance cover.Just a thought-how would you calculate a nomads carbon footprint?Has anybody any answers?



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Good on you Bill thats fantastic!! We looked into getting solar panels on our house but the roof is completely shaded by trees, and the local gov't wont let us cut any of them down in order to get sun on the panels. But I guess having 3 enormous gum trees in the yard should mean they are sequestering CO2?


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Not sure, Bill, about the carbon footprint of a grey nomad. We have solar power on our M/H so I suppose the only carbon we can be responsible for is our fuel. As we are 'amblers' & don;t go too far, too quickly we keep that down to a minimum Cheers Kandagal



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My calculation took my yearly diesel usage into account. I use about 20ltrs a week, average.I saw a program on ABC called the Carbon Cops, and thats what made me look into it. These people live in a big house in Melboune and pay$1500 a quarter for electricity! So living in caravan, and traveling this wide land can be carbon positive, I would imagine.We have thing called Solar City on magnetic island , where I live, and you get finacial incentivesTo change to solar power and get rid of your elec hot water systems, etc.30% of the island houses have grid connect solar systems, so it must be working.



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maybe you should ring Gillard and ask her.



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Carbon dioxide is a gas and presumably invisible. How do they weigh it? Pump it into a big tank or something? All this talk about a carbon tax kept setting off my BS detector so often that I had to take the batteries out of it. You have to admire the way people like Combet and Gillard can keep a straight face when talking such utter and total bollocks. Cheers, Tony


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tonyd wrote:

Carbon dioxide is a gas and presumably invisible. How do they weigh it? Pump it into a big tank or something? All this talk about a carbon tax kept setting off my BS detector so often that I had to take the batteries out of it. You have to admire the way people like Combet and Gillard can keep a straight face when talking such utter and total bollocks. Cheers, Tony

 This is getting a bit political so best I not comment because if I did I would most like likely say I agree entirely.... winkwinkwink



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I have eight very large gum trees in my backyard. I hope I get a credit. Once again can't cut them down and they shade the roof most of the time. They were there when we bought the house 20 years ago. BTW "touch wood" they have never dropped large boughs but impossible to rake up leaves all the time.



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I don,t know much about the science involved or the politics, but anything that drops my power bill 70% is of interest to me.also, I quite enjoyed the challenge of looking into ways of doing so.If the carbon tax is a bad thing, then I am against it.

-- Edited by bill12 on Saturday 16th of April 2011 07:02:54 PM



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I don't understand how a tax will help. OK they say that it will encourage the big guys to look at alternatives. But it will be passed on to us the little guys in the way of price rises. Surely there is a better way. Look at the water restrictions. The little guys put in all sorts of measures to save water. So, when we wern't using enough the big guys put up the price to maintain their revenue. I truly don't know what this world is coming to. lol. Can someone please explain.



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bill12 wrote:

I don,t know much about the science involved or the politics, but anything that drops my power bill 70% is of interest to me.also, I quite enjoyed the challenge of looking into ways of doing so.If the carbon tax is a bad thing, then I am against it.

-- Edited by bill12 on Saturday 16th of April 2011 07:02:54 PM

Your actions have saved your power, and allegedly carbon output, nothing else. Good work! Well done!
I'd like to know how they're going to measure this carbon to tax it.
Then they're going to compensate us if we have to pay more for products which have generated carbon and cost a carbon tax.
Excuse me, but I'm feeling a con coming on.
The "Greens" are using emotional black mail to get their own way, what ever their way is.
Let's get back to agreed policies which are in the long-term best interest of the country and the people, no matter who the government is.


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Well, I went to the EPA website, and did the calculation they have for Carbon foot print for my house, which came out the 3.4 tons per year. At the talked about price of 30c a ton, it turns out to be $1.02 a year. I should imagine that a lot of households would be more.But how would you calculate it for people who live in vans or are traveling?There seems to be a lot of strange math here. Don,t get me wrong- I can,t stand the greenies. I have had run inswith them on the island where I live and wouldn,t trust them as far as I could throw them.



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And if you stop breathing you can further reduce your carbon footprint.
Another Gillard and Greens con.


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Breathing in is ok, but it's the breathing out you have to watch.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Diamonds are compressed carbon. I would be happy to have extra diamonds!!


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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There is a great song by Jimmy Buffet called "Breath in , breath out, move on.The gist of it is if you can,t change the world, don,y worry, just get on with enjoying life. Its a great song



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Listening to the pollies talk about compensation to the big polluters and to households leaves me a little confused . Why isn't any revenue / compensation going into reversing the situation by using the the money/tax collected on R &D to cleaning up at the source ie: the smoke stacks.

Will it now cost more to cremate me or bury me , may need to adjust the funeral fund contributions

If the hypothetical carbon situation was to be reduced will the tax be reduced/ removed , Never heard of a tax going once imposed, maybe renamed by never removed .

They say that if industry plant trees there will be carbon credits , what happens if a bush fire goes through the forest or they harvest the timber will the credits cease

How many trees does one need to plant to reduce one's carbon footprint and how long do they last for

I also see a scam developing for the big end of town tree investor while the little guy, mums and dads, pay the price in dumb silence as we usual do


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