Milo, I've been there, done that and it was nowhere near as bad as I expected. First couple of days a bit strange, but after that, no worries at all. Good luck, mate. Cheers, Tony
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Good Luck Milo, but you will be FINE, i had all my teeth out 40 years ago, was put to sleep, they pulled out the old ones, and fitted the new ones at the same time, felt awkard for a day or two but udjusted very quickly matter of fact i went to the drive-in movies same day, and that was 40 years ago, so do not panic as they have improved a lot since then,
P.S. why will you be off-line for a couple of day's
thanks every one, good sleep, no pain, might be going back home tonite, give dad some space only 4o something days till our cruise on the 1st of june. whooo
Hope your new teeth work out better than mine, had mine pulled in october and had about 6 readjustments since then and still not happy. cheers blaze ps enjoy your cruise
How's the gums Milo? Did they give you new dentures straight in or do you have to serve the gum-settling term? Out and in is my preferred option as the mouth settles in to the new plate. Then you can smile all the time. Enjoy the new mouth.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
not sure how i feel about them yet, the plate that is..' id give anything to grow my teath back... the new plate doesnt move around like my last one but this is a full plate, so it may be quite different to having a partial plate.. im so sick of it all.. if i had my way id go with out a plate.. bummer.. ill give it a week, i have to go back to them any way for a check up...
It's in your best interest to persevere with the new plate. They always take a little while to settle in, and for you to get used to it. You'll wonder what all the fuss was about in a couple of weeks. When your gums have healed properly and the swelling has settled I think you'll feel more comfortable. Keep smiling Milo.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.