Lovely news congrates to you all, we are expecting our 6th (grandchild that is ) any day and another around christmas from our other daughter, they are special xxx enjoy
Congratulations to you both. How many is that now? had an idea that you could already fill a football team. Our 5th is due August. and still have two kid/adults at home. don't think we will catch you though. Give him a cuddle from us.
Anne and John
There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.
Thanks for all the good wishes everyone, much appreciated.
His name is Judson Lindsay Costello. Jud Costello doesn't sound too bad. He will always be "Little Bob" to us though.
Between us Blue and I now have 17 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Love them all to bits. Don't get to see some of them all that much they live spread out all over the place but we call in when we are in their area and keep track of things on facebook.
Thats just lovely, Congratulations. Can't wait for my only daughter to have her first baby in August, a boy. She is looking for a really unusual name too but won't tell me till its born.
Well done you 2! I'm glad to hear everyone is healthy. I feel sorry for the kids these days as the parents do everything in their power to give their children unique names. The poor little buggers will have to spend the rest of their lives spelling it. I kept my married name because I got sick of spelling my maiden name. I still have to spell my current surname, but it's not as long. And I even have to spell Christine these days. Some mongrel idiot tampered with the spelling as well. It's a weird world we live in. I still like the KISS principle.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Me too CG, Easy name to remember and spell and don't confuse anyone. My kids are Michael, Stephen and Renee. Can't go wrong with that lot. Shortened they are Mike, Steve and Nay. I still refer to them all with their full names.