What a lovely surprise to wake up to. Thank you so much Firefly, Love the pictures. Thank you capt cream bun, happy birthday to your daughter. Helena, lilly and wombat, thank you so much. I am about to have crumpets for breakfast, haven't had them for years, should be nice. The suns out, its cold but should warm up . Then will take myself off to Gloria Jeans for coffee later .
Hi Marj - hope you have a terrific birthday. The very best of wishes for a great day and a fabulous year. Haven't worked out how to do the picture thingy yet, but --- happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Marj, happy birthday to you!!! Much better than me singing in person - not a very tuneful voice. Cheers, Helen
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
Wow!!! Go out for a couple of hours and look what I come back too. Had a lovely coffee with Ken, finally met Lyn the lucky wife of the ever so helpful Ken Thomas. Nearly got a public holiday out of it with it being the Queens birthday yesterday, sure it is an RDO for someone around Aus, usually the building industry gets the extra day. Loved the youtube beatles singing Happy Birthday Firefly, will go back and watch it some more. Hope I don't leave anyone out as would like to personally thank you all. Will go back up the list from when I was last on. Thank you Andrea, yes wombat, Hylda&Jon, Esmerelda, Gubby. Yes hope to get many more miles done over the next year before "When I'm 64" Isn't that a beatles song. Gordon, Pam, Norma, hope by next year we have all met on the road somewhere in our travels. Davkar, Vic, oh so many. I think I've got everyone. Oh and thank you from a good grey nomad friend I've known the longest, Lorraine, (Jazzin Around) thank you for the phone call from Carnarvon, WA.