If you type "Washing " in the Search Box, you'll find some posts on this subject.
Here's one of them. I believe a number of people use this method.
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In days of yore the shearers would have a 44gallon drum on the back of the ute which they would half fill with soapy water, chuck their clothes in, put the lid on and drive to the next shed. If there was a water source en route they would change the suds for fresh water and continue to their destination. The vibration over the rough roads would provide perfect agitation and the clothes would come out better than from any washing machine.
A modern variation would be 20l plastic drums (with lids) and generic 'napisan' instead of soap.
Just make sure that the drum is well secured!!!
I've done it a couple of times with great success.
-- Edited by Sheba on Monday 20th of June 2011 04:11:24 PM
Most town and lot of the roadhouses now have landry,s if u need to do a big wash .. Sometime just good to stop in a town put washing on sit have coffee with the locals it amazing what you can learn from them ..
The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....
Darling Jacko constantly washes. Jacko has a drum with screw top lid Jacko thinks they call a canoe drum. Now darling what Jacko does is put the washing in the drum with water and some new http://www.biozet.com.au/ecosmart_technology.php Biozet liquid. Darlings this Biozet liquid for soaking and rinsing is u n b e l i e v a b l e works so well. Now my darling what I do around lunchtime when Jacko comes to a town Jacko finds a park or public toilet and rinses the washing, fills the drum back up with clean water and Jacko puts the clean washing back in the drum. Now my darling when Jacko stops for the day, Jacko takes the clean washing and puts it into the Lemair washing machine. Darling all I do is spin the washing and put the spin water back in the drum. Darling then Jacko has water in the drum to do the next days washing. Darling you cannot believe how good it is not having a pile of dirty washing. Darling it is so easy to do the washing as an ongoing daily job or 2 days in winter. Darling the Lemair washing machine 95% of time gets used for spinning which makes a huge difference in winter. Darling Jacko's Lemair is powered with 600w sine wave inverter and is part of Jackos flick switches program to make things work when had Jacko's electrical system upgrade performed.
dont leave till next year what you can do this year next year may never come
I've washed myself and my clothes in the shower, in a bucket and by machine. Depends on the trip and where I go, and for how long. When I worked on prawn trawlers up north we only wore nickers and t/shirts. We'd wash everything in the afternoon downpour, hang the wet clothes on the line on the fore-deck after we changed into a clean shirt and nickers. Nothing wasted and no prawns were injured in the showering process.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I stopped reading Jacko's post when I saw all the darlings. It's a pity she does this as buried amongst all the darlings crap there's a remote possibility that she may have had something intelligent to say.
-- Edited by jimricho on Wednesday 22nd of June 2011 06:36:24 AM
I've done the shower wash too, when travelling solo sometimes (in warm climes) I would go to a town swimming pool, take a change of clothes in with me (undies, short and tee shirt) in a plastic bag (needed for the wet stuff), get under the shower and get everything wet and soap it up on the body and then take the clothes off and rinse them give them a good hand wring and put them into the plastic bag and put the new ones on. I had a line down the middle of the campervan and hung them there while I drove along, by the time I got to my destination they were dry (talking about up north in the warm/hot weather.)
Take your bathers if you want a swim as well.
With the bucket slosh method, for a quick wash in the bucket, those paint stirrers with the flat round spoked bottom on them make a great agitator....
Regards "Darling" perhaps she read the thread on using that word and is taking the piddle out of us, I couldn't be bothered reading it either.
-- Edited by Vic on Wednesday 22nd of June 2011 10:04:14 AM
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
I stopped reading Jacko's post when I saw all the darlings. It's a pity she does this as buried amongst all the darlings crap there's a remote possibility that she may have had something intelligent to say.
-- Edited by jimricho on Wednesday 22nd of June 2011 06:36:24 AM
Me too. I looked at previous posts and it's written in just about all of them. Maybe she thinks she's being cute. Don't know...either way, guess it's not going to do any good bashing it. I'll just ignore her future posts. I looked for an 'ignore poster' option but could not find one.
I don't know who "Jacko" is, but the "darling" thing is getting tedious to the point of offensive. I don't mean to be cranky, but you've triggered my cranky button with your darlings. It's not quirky anymore, honestly. You are probably contributing some very worthwhile thoughts to the forum, but no one can be bothered reading them because it's too hard. Try the KISS principle again.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.