Please note this is not about Muslim bashing or any other Ozzies of whatever origins.
Many of our Muslim and other immigrants embrace our way of life and do their best to contribut to Ozzie society.
What it is about is for the Government to do something about the Citizenship standards in this country to ensure our way of life is not affected by anyone who would seek to destroy it to suit there own needs and beliefs.
I don,t think its moslem bashing, either. its just a law and order issue.Who is behind the veil? and the cops can,t see unless they remove the veil or helmet or anything else that covers a persons face while being interviewed. You can,t walk into a bank with a m,cycle helmit on , why should you be able to do it in a burkah?Perhaps a woman officer should be present, but on the wwhole, i say they should be removed.Bill
Hi All, We have decided to close this thread as we feel that this is not the sort of issue that should be raised here. We have created this forum to be a friendly and welcoming place to discuss issues relating to travel and preparation for travel around Australia. We are happy for members to go ‘off topic’ from time to time but issues which could be construed as being racist should be discussed elsewhere. Thanks everyone, for your understanding and support.