We are still stuck in Kalgoorlie. Everything is moving so slow but expensively. No word yet on when the new (reconditioned) fuel pump can be installed. And then we have to remove the turbo & send that away to be reconditioned. So far it looks like costs will be between $7,000 & $8,000 all up. That includes the tow cost of being brought here of $3,300. Sitting in a truck yard in the middle of an industrial area is not good for lightening of the spirit. Oh well - maybe next week things will be better.
I hope you don,t take offense, but this is why I bought a smaller , simpler motorhome- I can fix it my self.Your rig looks impressive, but the bigger they are , the more they cost. I hope you get out of there, soon.I suppose I am one of the lucky ones who can do my own work.I quite enjoy it , but do curse a bit at times(I,m a fisherman).
No offence taken Bill. Normally hubby can do all repairs as he used to work on heavy machinery but Parkinsons disease has left him with shaky hands & so he drops screws, nuts, bolts & tools. We were in a caravan for 17 years & have bought this larger machine (2 1/2 yrs ago) as we live on the road full time & getting a bit older we thought more room was the go & if for some reason we can't keep going we have a comfortable place to vegetate in. We don't have any other residence. Hubby is also a fisherman when he gets a chance.
Gosh, I hope you have a very helthy bank account or a very rich relative. That is a lot to have to pay out to get back on the road again. I know how you are feeling, at least I have a comfortable unit to live in and not a space in a busy industrial yard.
HappyWanderer. I thought my bank a/c although not rich was at least not sick but now it needs a trip to a good medical centre. We are definitely going stir crazy. Just as well we have the trusty old computer & I can come in here & grizzle.
As its your permanent residence, have to expect a big bill from time to time. I just paid $3500 to have some to the foundations fixed on my house - no point whining about it- it's my home and has to be done! That's just life when these thing happen without warning. The place needs to be painted this year as well- bugger!
Sorry your are stuck living in an industrial area, but pleased you have the forum. As Marj said, its a good place to come and grizzle.
Its all relative- I own a house and can tell you that a house will cost you more than a motorhome in in rates and maintenance.And you can move your house to suit the seasons.A house to me is an anchor, and I am thinking of getting rid of my anchor.The road is calling, and, hopefully, I will be on it soon.