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Post Info TOPIC: It's late, I know.

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It's late, I know.

no.gifno.gif  Can't sleep,so thought I'd catch up with what you lot have been up to for the last few weeks. Can I have a whinge? It's been such a lousy few week... first the loss of a great "mate" of 40 years. He would drink with the best of them, swear with the best of them, and fight with the best of them, {in his younger days,},but he was a genuine bushy gentleman to me, and now my much loved sister is again fighting her brave fight for this life with a chest infection. Given 8 weeks to live, 18 months ago, her determination and courage is unbelievable. What a cruel thing this monster "Cancer" is. First lung, then brain, then spine, and still , when asked how is she going.. her reply is normally ",Really good, thank you". I wonder if I would would have her courage? I doubt it.....

I'm just praying the phone does'nt ring.. She still has sense her of humour... and it's a wicked one. She tell me she has God completely confused..somedays, when she wakes up. she prays for it to end.. then she says, sorry, didn't mean that as she has too much to do on that day.!!! We laugh a a lot..but it doesn't make it any easier, does it?

I'm going to hit submit now before I change my mind and delete this instead. Sorry you guys.




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Sorry to hear of your loss of a good mate and of your continuing concerns for your sister.  We have lost a couple of good friends over the past two years and I also have a sister that has battled cancer.  Thankfully, she is now ok but the concern that it may return is always there so I can understand how you must be feeling at the moment.  Your sister must be pretty amazing to be able to keep her sense of humour when she has suffered so much.

She must have the same attitude as my hubby.  He once saw this poster in a doctors surgery - 'Don't take life too seriously, it is only a temporary situation!





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So sorry to hear of your troubles what a positive attitude your sister has give her and yourself a big hug from us. Helena.



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I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Only Yesterday at 4.00 pm I got that phone call you speak of...My old school mate  has died of Cancer Pancreatic...His wife rang me I feel so sad at this time...He too was always going too beat it....But he could'nt......


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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Dellie, I really feel for you.

It is only 3 weeks since I lost a "larger than life" friend of 40 years....also to cancer.

My wonderful sister has also had cancer....and (hopefully) beaten it.....twice.

I certainly don't see your post as a whinge. You are a concerned and caring person who is sharing sad feelings with your cyber mates.

I can't offer a solution...but I hope it helps to know that people do care.

Lots of cyber hugs going your way. xoxoxoxoxox



 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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I'm sorry that you feel sad. It is so hard to lose a friend.

Hugs to you. xoxoxox


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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Hi DelliMay,

Sorry to hear of your sorrows.

Sometimes I think the planets align in such a away as to send as many bad things our way in one short time period as is possible. Its unfair, unjust, and it still happens.

Lots of us can relate to the loss of family and friends, which doesn't reduce your sorrow, but lets you know that we understand.

"Whinge" all you want- its just really about asking for people to send positive energy/thoughts/prayers your way.

Those of us who have walked where you are right now know how you feel.





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This forum (and its members) is a constant, and pleasant, surprise to me.

Dellie - feel ya pain - like others have said, we have all lost a good mate to the dreaded Big C.

I submit the attached - maybe it'll help.





2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Jimbo, so sorry to hear that mate. cry

John, that is beautiful. smile


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Such sad news..but it is great that you have been able to share this with the GN forum. We are all in that terrible age group when the old body starts to need more and more attention. Unfortunatley, the more attention we receive, the more they find wrong. Thanks for sharing, consider it a possitive move.




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Make me realise that all my winges of mechanical breakdowns over the past couple of weeks are not nearly so bad. Friends & family's health are much more important. My heart goes out to you


The Master

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So sorry to hear that DellieMay. To lose a dear friend is bad enough but all you can do is be there for your sister, give her plenty of love, hold her hand when you can. She must have a great sense of humour. I know I wouldn't be that cheerful. I would be the biggest grump, moaner, b.itch out. We all cope differently in that situation.
And here I was before coming on here seething because I had just got the bus home with two heavy bags of groceries breaking my arms, only to walk in the door to my daughter ringing my mobile. Thought I might be down town and need a lift home. Couldn't she have rung 10 minutes earliier.
Now it doesn't matter.
Jimbo sorry for your loss as well, its a hard day when we lose loved ones.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

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Dellimay our thoughts too go out to you at this time - sounds like your sister has a great sense of humour, when we thought we were going to loose my mum some years back, and said this to her the next morning, her reply ...... 'oh no I'm not going anywhere yet, I still have a lot of people to upset!!!!'


Pejay are travelling in a 2014 Holden Colorado LTZ Twin Cab Ute + 2013 Coromal Element van



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Love your mothers' attitude Pejay.

DellieMay, my thoughts are with you.  I'm expecting the call anyday to start House and Pet sitting for my friend while she is in Brisbane with her Husband after he has a Bone Marrow transplant.

Odds don't look real good, but they're trying everything possible.

An it harm none, do what you will.


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Cyber hugs and kisses Dellie May - I hope your sister keeps her brave attitude.




It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!

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Thank you all. My sister has certaintly had her fair share of battles, and she's damned if this one is going to beat her. She was actually able to speak with me today, so thats a good sign. I had her laughing too, altho that's not hard to do. We never tell each other,"It'll be alright", instead, we just say "Chin up, and look for the butterflies". Many years ago she told me..." Dellie, you never see the only see the butterfly in it." It's a little symbolic for us two.
Thank you for the positives.. I'm just a little out of positives at the moment.
Rockylizard, that's just beautiful.Thanks to you all for being there for me... I feel a bit sookie,and can't let anyone else know.



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DellieMay, sorry to hear about your sisters health issues, no matter what your going through , there are others worse off..
or so ive been told.. hope your doing ok.


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It a fact that as we get older we lose more friend and family to illiness and age ..Still dosent make it easy to see out love ones sick and suffering ..All we can do is be there for them when ever they need us .. Show them they are loved ......Delliemay my thoughts are with you xoxo


The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....



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Love to you Dell and big hugs and kisses to Sarge. 


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Dellie, you are allowed to be a sook here, it helps you to be strong for others when you can let off some steam. Very very best wishes to you.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Dying is the down side of getting older. Dying of the big "C" or other degrading disease reduces the quality of life, but doesn't change our friends. It just makes our time with them more precious.
While we grieve their loss, you can celebrate their life and the times you shared.
I bet if you think about some of the mischief you got up to, you'll get a smile on your face. Hold that thought.
It's hard to let go of the people we love. I think I'm better at it than most. I've had a lot of practice.
Think of the good times and remember them with love and a smile.
Troubles are troubles, whether they be body or bus. Some can be repaired. Some can't.
Make the most of every day.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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