Beth asked me to let you all know that she had to put her laptop in for repair today, so she will be "computerless" for a while. What a bug**r! (Beth didn't say that bit...I did)
Hopefully not too long Pam - I hate being without mine - I am addicted to it - sometimes I have this site, facebook, skype and maybe a game or something ont he go at once - plus the tv on - watching spicks n specks on abc2 at the moment - lurv that show! Are you coming on Friday?
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
It makes me recall where I was and what and who I saw in the 60's in Melbourne - and early 70's - (spiks n specks) - but that is why we have so many channels, something for just about everyone. Dreary old world if we all liked the same thing.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I can still remember how I felt when I couldn't get the internet between home and Canberra - thank goodness I have a new provider and so far have had no problems this trip.
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
Ha sound like me Jules...but without the TV. I hope Beth gets that Laptop fixed sooner than later. Gubby...I tried to squash that ant on my screen! cheers Sharon
Spicks and specks is such a wonderful forum for bringing amazingly diverse people together. I loved the crazy musical interretations etc. Hey I would never gave heard of the kranzky Sisters. I will be so sad to see it go.
Not good news for Beth but now we can talk about her whilst she's away....
hate to admit it but I was thinking along the same lines, also thought it will be nice and quite for a while, computer tech's usually take about 4 weeks on average (I hope)
Ha sound like me Jules...but without the TV. I hope Beth gets that Laptop fixed sooner than later. Gubby...I tried to squash that ant on my screen! cheers Sharon
We get free internet at our local library - trouble is they are not open at 10pm or 6am, which is when I like to get on here!! As for multi tasking - I will admit some men can manage to do two things at once - but us superwomen can do a myriad of tasks at the same time - it is in our make up(no - not the cosmetic kind) - whereas men can be very single minded, I have found.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
No - her toast burns because she thoughtfully makes yours first, then the toaster is heated up, and consequently burns her toast - you could get up and turn the toaster dial down a notch and solve the problem for her - now that would be your effort at multitasking - easting toast and turning dial at same time!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)