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Post Info TOPIC: When Admin Takes Eye Out of Itinerant


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When Admin Takes Eye Out of Itinerant

My park neighbours are itinerants. Full time nomads, with a V8 Chevvy and a 5th wheeler. The rig is registered in Qld. It's their home.
It's due for reregistration, so to comply with the specifications they arranged to have it inspected to comply with the roadworthy certificate.
They sent the money and the certificate to Qld Main Roads, only to have it returned because SA doesn't comply with Qld standards, according to the Qld Main Rds Dept.
To re-register in Qld they will have to go all the way to Qld.
They are based here as they are both working here. As GN's do.
This is taking state administration to an extreme I haven't seen before.
They can apply for an exemption to allow them to go to Qld to re-register.
They are enquiring about SA rego, but the department is a little confused about the status of the configuration. Is it a semi-trailer? Is it a caravan?
It's more a van than a trailer, but that will mean another roadworth inspection at another department to change the rego, mainly to sight the VIN No. which is already stated on the initial certificate.
This sort of experience between states and the state's laws and rules doesn't encourage itinerant workers and travellers.
Has anyone else had similar, or worse experiences?


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

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CG - we have always (unfortunately) been a collection of colonies rather than a country united. no




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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yup , faced this with friends who had cars in summernat in canbera, cars were legal in nsw but not act? go figure??

bloody stupid.. we should do away with the states altogether or at least make all the regs n relations go all over aus...


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As a Queenslander I am a little confused. We do not require roadworthiness certificates for renewal of registrations only new registrations or transfers. I do agree tha states do create a lot of problems.



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It's the type of vehicle - a custom built 5th wheeler, which requires the certification every 2nd year when rego is due for renewal.
The more I travel from state to state the more I realise you're right about the colonisation being alive and well.
In the transport industry, and in the tourism/nomad industry there are many instances which would benefit from a national standard, a national fee, payable to each state.
Even truckies have to put up with crap in the log book, despite the fact it's exactly the same log book, open to interpretation by each state's transport task forces and police. It's out of control when you can be fined $600 for a spelling error in your log book.
I was fined $400 for failing to carry a Record Of Movement Log Book, required in Qld only. It's a useless book in triplicate only required compulsorily in Qld, only used if the pilot leads an oversize without Police escorts. My job started in Adelaide, I have other documents to keep up to date, and I had to do this book still.
There are much more important things to nationalise than carbon tax.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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I wish these States would work together...The trouble I had with my rig R T A to Vic roads certificate gave me and Shirls and extra Grey hair.....And they most arrogant Dept next to nobody..(If one can get onto them......Its been going on for years

Ps  If there are any Rego certificate people reading a Grey Nomads Forum...Pleas get your act together  Life is way to short  too be screwed bye you dills




  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.


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Most of these regs are designed to make money not for safetys sake, and the beaurocrats like to take their power over you to heart.What is the difference between a roadworth in SA to QLD?I have just got my HJ registered, and had to go through the hoops, to get it. Living on an osland with only one mech doesn,t help.Give a so called"public servant" some power, and you give them a chance to abuse it. Bill



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One problem that is a big one for a lot of people is medication. The PBS is National but you try to get a script for any type of Opiate written in one state filled in another. Qld is the only state that will fill interstate scripts.
Last year I got a roadworthy for the van in QLD, had a big problem convincing the bloke a gas cert isnt required for NSW roadworthy. Got one done in Darwin last week. Not much info at all on this one. Least NSW accept interstate slips.


Mechanised Swaggies 



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no I have to admit the inspection and rego "Regime" leaves a lot to be desired.

For various reasons I have been involved in registering four trailers and four vehicles in Qld in the last couple of months.

My main rego is My Rv which I live in.I had to have an 'Over the pit' inspection because my RV is over 4.5 Tonnes and to re-register has to be done every year.Any 'Approved Inspection ' centre can do it at a cost of $90.

Problem was the place I chose could not get me over the pit.Too big,only cars would fit.

Mechanic was more interested in my rig and the inspection was very perfunctory.

He would not have picked up any faults and to be honest was a total waste of time and money.

I drive the thing on the highways of the nation and my life depends on it being a safe and roadworthy vehicle.I make sure it is well maintained.

What I am saying is between that inspection and the others I have had done on various cars and trailers recently,none have been of a standard that would pick up any faults or unsafe dangers.

REVENUE Raising,( Excuse the Shout) For sure.

I believe that Qld at the moment is the most expensive to register almost every type of vehicle and the inspection system is a farce. 

My RV rego is due in October and I will certainly be looking at my options regarding the cost of renewal in other states.








Safe Travels


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I'm glad I live in buy something..if it has some rego left on it.....register it... service it or tow it..30 years....sell it and no inspection required by any one..........unless you buy a vehicle and you take it to RAA to have a look........theres no 12 month certificate required each time its due for long as the vehicle has good tires.brakes......working lights....(rusty who cares)...if it blows smoke the police might pull you over.and inspect it for roadworthyness.




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Where does one complain about this crap...Surely we have a Centeral point to complain..Because this is damn rubbish....United we stand  Divided we all fall.....I once asked Vic Roads and of course  No answer.....I even asked my Paliment Rep katherine King... Ballarat    No interested your worship


  I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.

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Hi CG, I have a 5th wheeler and the tug is a 'heavy vehicle' - GVM 5534 kg. I was all ready to transfer my QLD rego to SA when I read your post this morning. Bad thoughts were had that I also would have to return to Qld. to renew my rego.
Went to SA Service Centre, filled out the forms and stated that it was a Caravan and the tug was a ute.
No problems, fill out another form for each vehicle, pay the money and "here are your new plates - sorry I can't give you consequetive numbers".
Also saved nearly $ 900.00 compared to Qld.
If you need more info PM me or phone (mob. no. is on my whiteboard.


Crossroads Cruiser 5th wheeler.
Dodge Ram 3500.





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Our motorhome (because of its size) has to have an annual inspection. We were in WA when registration was due so we got the MH inspected by a credited inspection place in WA & faxed it to Main Roads in Qld where our rego is & we had no trouble. I paid the rego fee over the phone using my credit card once they reeived the fax & our rego sticker was sent off immediately so everything wenty smoothly.



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My better half just informed me that the chap that did our inspection in WA went on the net & down loaded the special form required by Qld Main Roads



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Smokeydk wrote:

I'm glad I live in buy something..if it has some rego left on it.....register it... service it or tow it..30 years....sell it and no inspection required by any one..........unless you buy a vehicle and you take it to RAA to have a look........theres no 12 month certificate required each time its due for long as the vehicle has good tires.brakes......working lights....(rusty who cares)...if it blows smoke the police might pull you over.and inspect it for roadworthyness.

 Most of that is the same in Qld Smokey. You can drive it for 30 years without having an inspection, but you do have to have a roadworthy when selling it. I'm talking regular vehicles here. But if it's not roadworthy when the police stop you, you're in trouble.

When I recently bought my Viscount Little Nipper, the previous owner had a roadworthy done, and was told he didn't need to. But he did have to get the Gas Certificate. As the purchaser, I'd rather them have to be inspected. As it was, they must have given the van only a cursory inspection, as the tyres wouldn't have passed a real inspection. I have to get new ones.

I've been saying for a long time that we in Australia are over governed. Cut out the State Government altogether, I say!

-- Edited by Beth54 on Monday 5th of September 2011 04:36:54 PM


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.





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NeilandRaine wrote:

One problem that is a big one for a lot of people is medication. The PBS is National but you try to get a script for any type of Opiate written in one state filled in another. Qld is the only state that will fill interstate scripts.

 I have had Western Australian scripts filled in S.Aust & the Northern Territory Without any problems at all.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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rockylizard wrote:


CG - we have always (unfortunately) been a collection of colonies rather than a country united. no

 You've hit the nail on the head, John - a collection of colonies, sqabbling for what each sees as its own share and to hell with the rest. (The water situation in the Murray-Darling Basin is a prime example.)

The sooner we abolish state governments and boundaries, the better; we will never be one country until we do...but I guess it won't happen in my lifetime! 


Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).

The Master

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I always have a good laugh when I hear mention of celebrating federation. There is no federation. The states all do their own thing and ne'er the twain shall meet.


Happy Wanderer    

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Well thank you everyone for your input. This has been a very informative outcome.
Maybe it depends on the "pubic serpent" we encounter at the time. But Qld sent this bloke's cheque and the form back to him.
If anyone has anymore information we could all use, I think this has been a valuable exercise.
I think NSW is still the most expensive state as far as vehicle rego goes.
Qld is over-administered, but it's not very effective of useful administration. It only serves to justify paper-pushers in the public service.
To complain, the best place to start is the state ombudsman, and then the national ombudsman.
If we all state our case with the details, and possibly names, they will have to act, and in my experience, they act very quickly.
Laws are made by politicians, and as we've seen recently, they will disagree with the law makers if the law makers go against the policy being proposed.
Pollies are not above the law, and it's up to us to keep reminding them of that, and if we have to do it through the ombudsman and the media we should. Keep the pressure on folks!


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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