Dear Jimbo...In regard to your email about free camping...( I wrote this in August 2011 Just recieved it today 23/9 2011)
Council, at it's meeting of 2 August 2011 resolved:
1.That, subject to suitable safe access to and from the sites being confirmed by the Road Infrastructure Planning & Design Branch, a pilot for free overnight stays for motor homes/caravans for the following parks be undertaken for 12 months:
Logan River Parklands, Eagleby;
Pioneer Park, Woodhill;
Tully Memorial Park, North Maclean; and
Loganlea Picnic Grounds, Meadowbrook.
2.That following the 12 month pilot detailed in Clause 1 above, the Parks Manager be requested to prepare a report to a future Customer Service, Marketing & Parks Committee meeting detailing a review of the pilot.
Adopted by Council at its meeting of 2/08/2011 Minute No 270/2011
It is important to note that overnight stays are therefore not permitted until the trial period commences. Further information will be available on Council's website over the coming months.
Should you require further information you can contact the parks depot on 3412 5338
Regards Chris
Still trying too work it out...
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.
jimbo, from the Logan Council communication, wrote:1.That, subject to suitable safe access to and from the sites being confirmed by the Road Infrastructure Planning & Design Branch, a pilot for free overnight stays for motor homes/caravans for the following parks be undertaken for 12 months:
The way I read it is that the Logan Council is waiting on the Road Infrastructure Planning & Design Branch to give the OK, then no doubt it will go back to Council before the go ahead is given for the 12 month trial.
Dont hold your breath as it could be awhile, the way these things work, but looks promising.
Yes, Jimbo, I received the same reply today to the e-mail I sent 24/8. The way I read it is that the council cannot set a starting date until the RIP&D branch gives the go-ahead; I will reply to Chris, asking that a follow-up message be sent when that occurs. We would like to be able to use the Meadowbrook site when we take our van to Southern Cross for servicing next year.
Keep your fingers crossed, and let's keep encouraging them!
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).
I'll follow up too, my brother works in Logan Council. I did ask him about it recently, but he knew nothing of it. I'll tell him about this and get him to keep an eye on the situation.
I CAN tell you, all 4 of those places would be good spots. Eagleby and Meadowbrook have easy access to the M1/Pacific Highway, and Woodhill and North Maclean are more country.
-- Edited by Beth54 on Friday 23rd of September 2011 07:30:34 PM