Hubby exploring the river... I love that big tree!!!!!
My travel blog as we trip around Oz
You are tempting me again with that water
roflol.... oh..... ummm.... I seem to take lots of pocs of water dont I!!!
What's a poc?
a poc is a typo!! HAHAHAHAHA its supposed to be lots but I cant type if my life depended on it!!! roflol
Wait for this to fully load
LOVE it are a very talented wombat.
Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.
_wombat_ wrote:What's a poc?
A pic with attitude!!
sorry guys that was way too big, working on it now
Try again, wait until it fully loads, I did not need to reload the one below is now ok, I hope
oh how pretty is THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grin* thankyou so much for this Wombat!!! :)