It's been said before, and I'm going to say it again, "Please USE your rear view mirrors, especially when towing caravans". I'll accept cameras as a rear view tool. That means, actually look into them to see what's around and behind you. I talk to many truck drivers and their biggest complaint is caravan towers not using their mirrors, making sudden movements, and causing problems for other traffic in both directions. The other problem is passing oversize convoys with a pilot on the front and an escort on the back. If you don't know what's going on, always get off the road to make room, and always assume there's an escort following the big truck and its load. It's not in your best, long-term interest to take on the big load, and they do have right of way, by law. Having a UHF radio in the car with you, even a cheap little hand held will do the job, on Channel 40 at all times, so you can hear what's going on, would also be an asset. If you're on any other forums please pass this message on. The word needs to get out there in the interest of safe travel for all road users.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Our UHF is on EVERY time we drive out of the village even if it's just going up the street to do the shopping.
Very frustrating AND dangerous for the truckies too if they can't let you know what they are doing or ask you what you are doing.
To my mind a UHF is a MUST HAVE and on Ch. 40 so that you can be aware of whats going on at any given time.
It's all well and good being on Ch. 18 but there is very rarely anyone on there that can give you bulletins that could save you an accident and in deed your life.
If you simply can't stand not to be on 18 then use the scan feature that most UHF's have in them.
An ouce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (if I have that saying correct, but you know what I mean).
I totally agree with you both, I run 2 UHF radio's 1 on ch40 and one scanning all channel's and 1 HF radio BUT and it's a BIG BUT why is it against the law to use a moblie phone BUT not a UHF radio? (as most truckies do, and they are driving very large road trains with one hand)
It's our practice to let the passenger use the radio's and the driver do the driving.
-- Edited by _wombat_ on Sunday 2nd of October 2011 03:57:39 PM
If truckers would like us to monitor Ch40 they could reduce the filth. You don't have to be a prude to object to that and it is the public face of their 'professionalism'. The chicken-lips are relatively few, but like the bullies in big rigs have a public impact well beyond their numbers. There seems to be a dangerous game of trucks (and cars) tailgating towing vehicles to bully the drivers into going faster, or simply not to be on the road at all. It is common to see this on multi-lane freeways where there appears to be a longstanding dispute among some truck drivers as to whether slower vehicles ought be in in the kerbside lane or the one adjacent to it (and of course they set out to teach the driver of the errant trailer a lesson by tailgating).
To take an example, there was strong wind today when I moved the heavy boat. Travelling in the kerbside (slow) lane at 95kph (100 zone) we were tailgated numerous times, which is par for the course, although there was only light traffic in the remaining lanes.
I suspect that the long haul truck drivers are not usually the offenders. I am looking forward to when there is a rear view camera that can take a short video of the culprits.
The advice to watch the mirrors is well made though.
Unfortunately it only takes one or two to give the whole bunch of them a bad name.
We find if you are courteous to them and let them know if you are turning or pulling over or WILL pull over and let them pass they will be courteous to you, but then like you say it's not usually the long haulers that are the problem it's the suburban cowboy
The majority of truckers on the open road are great if you care to have a chat with them and help them overtake, I look at it like this, they are working and have a deadline to keep, I am on holiday so they have the right of way in my book.
this is one of my trades,(I know I have a few!)wish I could show you a pic. You will find that it is only the city boys that swear and crry on , when I go near their territorry I turn off.Out bush you will find they generally know each other.Also I have been driving the big ones and found the caravaners talking on channel 40 ,long talks,I have politely interupted,hard to get in sometimes,and told them it is a working channel and sometimes urgent messages come through,if someone is chatting away,there can be life in danger.For instance-Iwas driving a low loader into Kalgoolie on evening from a mine with agrader on the back,someone called up saying ,truck that is heading into kalgoolie you got a copy(I looked like I was the only one around)Isaid copy.he said you are on fire dowwn the back of your truck! Since my windows were tinted and it was nearly night I could not see the smoke.I managed to pull over and two of my back tyres had blown and were scapping on the bitimen ,lucky it went out,There all nght again cleaning up that mess.
Interestingly, I've been tailgated in my little car around the city, but out on the highway it just hasnt happened. We have the radio on ch40 and use it to communicate, as you said Ma. Truckies seem to use bad language closer to cities, havent heard much of it this trip. All truckies arent the same, and all "wobblies" (towing caravans) arent the same either.
Perhaps it would help if you had a UHF radio johnq. The more communication we have with other road users the better.
Interestingly, I've been tailgated in my little car around the city, but out on the highway it just hasnt happened. We have the radio on ch40 and use it to communicate, as you said Ma. Truckies seem to use bad language closer to cities, havent heard much of it this trip. All truckies arent the same, and all "wobblies" (towing caravans) arent the same either.
Perhaps it would help if you had a UHF radio johnq. The more communication we have with other road users the better.
Why assume I don't have a radio? Likewise most are aware that there is generally less problem away from cities and towns as well, but then busy highways such as between Brisbane and Toowoomba are no joy.
I would rather pull over when safe to do so and let the truck go on his way with as little delay as possible. Once the trucky is in front and away I no longer have to worry about him and can relax that little bit more.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
Good advice CG. I use my car mirrors all the time, so expect when I eventually get on the road with the van, that I'll keep using them. The thing that will take a bit of getting used to is, that the i30 has those silly convex mirrors and my van mirrors are normal.
As for the UHF's, I have the little hand held one, and being a solo, have no choice but to use it myself.
My sister & b-i-l were cleaned up by a B double a few years ago. They were turning right, there was a turning lane, but instead of the truck going around to the left of them, he went to the right. They were so lucky not to have been killed. Wrote off their Nissan Patrol and made a good mess of their old caravan. Anyway, now they get onto the UHF to tell any trucks following that they're turning, just to be on the safeside.
Tailgating is common in Australia, yet it is rarely targeted by authorities, regardless of whether it is by 'biggies' or 'littlies'. That is a simple enough proposition. It is as much a problem for big rigs with cars tucking in behind as it is for smaller vehicles.
Confusion does exist among many drivers as to what lane to travel in on a multi-lane road. However most are aware of the requirement to stay out of the far lane on the driver's side (the 'right' lane) unless passing. Transport authorities should attend to that with education.
It is not unreasonable to request that the foul language and discursive stuff on Ch4O be limited because it limits its facility for traffic reports. It is easy to drop down a few to conduct the 'familiar' conversation.
The road rules already require that slower vehicles make way for faster vehicles. It is a matter of common courtesy in any event. However like right of way, it is a right and privilege given, not one that can be taken forcefully.
I don't know where the 'phobia' comment fits in, but a few, probably new caravanners get in the road by being over-enthusiastic in their endeavours to make way for larger vehicles. Similarly some drivers do odd things when an emergency vehicle approaches.
(Psychiatry) Psychiatryan abnormal intense and irrational fear of a given situation, organism, or object
[from Greek phobos fear]
Then it is agreed, a driver would not be phobic for complaining about being tailgated by a heavy vehicle and anyhow, tailgating infringes the road rules.
Nearly didnt make it home today.........been away camping ....on the way home......going down hill...just about .on a right hand curve/ I was turning .....a tray top ute was coming up the hill on the wrong we didnt hit ......amazes me......I'm sure he rubbed some of my SmartBar off onto his tray.....after reswollowing my heart and lungs......I had to do some deep breathing for awhile......I've never been so scared in my life before......
Nearly didnt make it home today.........been away camping ....on the way home......going down hill...just about .on a right hand curve/ I was turning .....a tray top ute was coming up the hill on the wrong we didnt hit ......amazes me......I'm sure he rubbed some of my SmartBar off onto his tray.....after reswollowing my heart and lungs......I had to do some deep breathing for awhile......I've never been so scared in my life before......
That's scary!
When my sister and b-i-l had their accident, b-i-l said F...F...F... He NEVER says that word! And didn't remember saying it afterwards.
-- Edited by Beth54 on Monday 3rd of October 2011 08:36:00 PM
Yes Ma she was with me......I tell you.we both thought our Xmas's had came all at once.......we were heading down hill in to Mannum SA from north....there was a 300ft drop on our left......towing our little van.........we were so close I could clearly see the drivers face...