Here she is, 7lb 08oz, 50cm long or 20 inches born at 2.04 this afternoon... not named yet as they have not decided what to call her but both mum and bub are doing really well.... arnt they just beautiful :)
How wonderful, Congratulations on your darling grandchild, certainly a very pretty baby.
Your daughter looks like she is going out to dinner....more like the beautiful adoring but carefree Aunt, not the mother that just gave birth!......She must take after her own beautiful mother.
Thanx all I shall pass on the good wishes to Helen... not so sure she shall call bub Persia tho its not Helen's cup of tea.. but what ever she will be called I know that this nanna is planning to spoil her .... just like the others hehehehehehe.... speaking of which, I heard from my son last night and they have booked a flight!! They will be arriving mid January and I shall get to meet two more grandkiddies... Abel and Eddy!!!!!